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Old 04-02-2014, 11:37 AM
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Originally Posted by cheldax46 (View Post)
don't forget mark's awkward smiling!
i can't decide if i'm happy bc there was cuteness and better late than never or if i'm more annoyed quinn's perfect s4 ending was ignored and became one of those glee things that happened but never happened. why wouldn't santana mention that when describing quinn to nate archibald's douchy twin? mention of the ryan seacrest tattoo was really great, though.

Glee likes to forget the things they did good like.....Quinntana. Then again they brought up Skank!Quinn <3. Still hatin' Santana failing to mentioning it instead of saying she gives a crap about PQ. But can i say hallelujah at them not saying "Quick"? That would have ruined it tbh.

Nate's twin looked pretty, but Quinn should have gotten a better smackdown tho.
"Ahh, love... l-o-v-e."
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