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Old 04-02-2014, 07:54 AM
Obsessed Fan

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Originally Posted by Gelfling (View Post)
The Kings have been suggesting to the A/W fans that Alicia and Will had a chance of getting back together all season and that was all a lie
It pissed me off so much RK said it so openly and seemed quite happy about it.They want to stop writing about the love triangle so they spent a half of season teasing people who like the pairing so they keep watching.And I have no idea why,because if they honestly think it's that big part of their audience I wonder what they have in mind for the rest of the series,Oh wait,they have Finn now,problem solved.

I don't think we'll get the truth one way or another.
Sadly true,because if they managed to keep Josh leaving a secret for a year...

They're going to replace Will with another guy
Of course because it's not know,they spent 5 years building this character or something,all they need is 'male energy'.I have nothing against MG but if the only reason he's there is because JC left then well...Good luck.

Kalinda and Diane are just going to deal with Will's death for a whole season?
Well,I think Archie is the next one to leave.The reason she didn't already is probably because Josh was first.

that was kinda pathetic, really. At least when George Martin kills characters, he has a reason and he doesn't go apologizing
Exactly. First of all,it's not like they kicked him out,he wanted to quit,so there's honestly no need to give any sort of explanation.Second of all, if they really feel like apologizing for the way they ended his story,well,then maybe they should have think about it before.Apparently they had a whole year for it.
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