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Old 02-20-2014, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by LabuanPearl88 (View Post)
Yeah, "Take me, I'm all yours" I think he really enjoys Elena taking the control, he wants a woman to be a match for him and Elena is, but she is also sweet and caring with him when they make love, all the caress and kiss... like she wants to comfort him and show him all the love he deserves
Exactly! This was the very first time that Damon Salvatore didn't do sex, he made love And he was loved!

Originally Posted by LabuanPearl88 (View Post)
Exactly... I guess people where too busy bitching about the Stefan's memory to understand this too But blowing him up would have meant to follow him in death too, she couldn't risk otherwise
The SE bone was very annoying. But while the SE bone was so in your face, the DE issue was much more huge. Please, the show even stated that Elena's dreams got planted by Tessa. While we've seen that Elena was not able to face a world without Damon and rather wanted to die with him
The bones are very huge portrayed, but the subtle stuff is way more in DE's corner. Like her proposing to him, her choosing eternity with Damon and being okay losing Stefan on the way, or in this case wanting to die with Damon if she couldn't stop herself.
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