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Old 01-09-2014, 11:01 PM
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Originally Posted by kategrinstead (View Post)
So ... Not to stoke the fire too much because I know that gets tricky

But that cat from the last thread is not one of Torrance and Alyssa's. They have one black and white (Renly) and one fluffy (Count Fluffo). And the cat in the picture has scarily similar markings to that of Toby's kitten, whom he got months ago. Funny thing about kittens. They don't stay kittens long, and the cat in that picture looks like a really young cat.

And who's to say the cat's in London? Cats travel a lot more easily than other (larger) animals. Highly transportable.

I feel like a crazy person now.
Until today, I didn't know Toby has a cat. I seriously know nothing about these actors.

That said, you sure it's not one of their cats? If it is Toby's cat, then maybe Torrance and Alyssa are cat-sitting for him (or maybe for someone else)?
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