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Old 01-05-2014, 10:55 AM
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Originally Posted by LostSpace (View Post)
Real life people with better chemistry seem to be able to show it better on screen. Not saying they should hook up in real life, just that Adelaide seems to have a better connection or fun or .... chemistry? with Torrance and it shows in the show.
I think she's pretty close with both of them. But she has better chemistry IMO with Torrance and it's undenyable to me.

Well, for me, a huge problem with Francis and Mary plays the fact that Toby looks way younger than Adelaide. In real life their age difference is only 1 year, I know. But on the show I feel that Mary is at least 3-4 years older than he is. Visually Francis looks like a kid, wile Torrance is a man. It might sound immature from my side,but I can't find couple atractive if guy looks younger then a girl by looks and by acts.
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