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Old 12-23-2013, 10:09 PM
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Originally Posted by SqueegyBeckinheim (View Post)
Thanks for the new thread!

There's never a dull moment reading through these pages.

I love the "Castaway" comparisons because it was my first thought in the island scenes where all he did was stare at Laurel's picture. IMO it wasn't necessarily the "undying love" for Laurel that got him through the island, it was the desire to make things right for his father's sake and because of the guilt over Sara's death. Laurel represented all the pain he carried about Sara. Honestly, I wanted to like O/L, but I just couldn't. Laurel fell for him when he was a shallow and selfish boy. He cheated on her in the most embarrassing and despicable way. How can you root for a couple that has that kind of history?

Oliver went through his crucible and came out the other end a drastically changed man. Even though he has a lot of psychological issues he has grown into a caring son and a protective and loving brother. I bring all of this up because if he hadn't evolved into this man I wouldn't want him to have anything to do with Felicity.
Amen sister. This is the thing...he is wholly different from what he once was. He was never in love with Laurel. A man in love doesn't cheat with your sister even if he says he's afraid of commitment. Then to add insult to injury go away with her. Come on now. Sara is just as bad.

This is why I cannot see Sara and Oliver together. There is just no way. They started off unhealthy, the progressed in an unhealthy way and stayed connected through an unhealthy situation. Those guys are just a death knell to one another and those around them. Ugh. And anything that comes within their vicinity doesn't seem to make it out unscathed.

Then we have Laurel again. He has too many unresolved issues there. I have to say that despite the fact that Oliver has evolved over all as a man and grown up. I find him still emotionally stunted. He wanted to be Prince Charming for Huntress. With Laurel he never knew what he was. I know she was in love with him but he wasn't with her and then go ends up on an island but then is longing for her as she's in a relationship with his best friend. Ugh...Then we have Laurel kissing Oliver as she says "I love you." to Tommy. Come on man. Cheaters hooking up. It's just all unhealthy.

I need to see that he is growing up emotionally and I have to say with Felicity I see an inkling of that. She is making him less oblivious to things. I only see him more adult emotionally with her. He's been brought to tears with her on the line. She's heard him crying and seen him close to tears. No one else has...except Dig--he's seen it once.

I just think she's the one to help him heal and is his perfect fit. She's not changing him but making him see his worth as he is. That's why she said to him that she thinks he deserves better. She sees a hero and she's working to making him see that. I hope she can help him recognize that this is love and whatever Laurel not.

Originally Posted by BlueDog9 (View Post)
If he was still pre-island Oliver, I wouldn't want him with Felicity either.
Question is...would he even have seen her?! I sincerely doubt that pre-Island Oliver would have given a be-speckled red head/brunette a glance. Just sayin' ....he did after all have Laurel...gorgeous Laurel.
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