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Old 12-23-2013, 09:14 PM
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Joined: Oct 2009
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Thanks for the new thread!

There's never a dull moment reading through these pages.

I love the "Castaway" comparisons because it was my first thought in the island scenes where all he did was stare at Laurel's picture. IMO it wasn't necessarily the "undying love" for Laurel that got him through the island, it was the desire to make things right for his father's sake and because of the guilt over Sara's death. Laurel represented all the pain he carried about Sara. Honestly, I wanted to like O/L, but I just couldn't. Laurel fell for him when he was a shallow and selfish boy. He cheated on her in the most embarrassing and despicable way. How can you root for a couple that has that kind of history?

Oliver went through his crucible and came out the other end a drastically changed man. Even though he has a lot of psychological issues he has grown into a caring son and a protective and loving brother. I bring all of this up because if he hadn't evolved into this man I wouldn't want him to have anything to do with Felicity.
"And so I thought I'd let you know that these things take forever
I especially am slow
But I realize that I need you
And I wondered if I could come home"
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