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Old 12-13-2013, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Krista_N (View Post)
I'm looking forward to read your thoughts on their scenes.

Originally Posted by BlueDog9 (View Post)
What episode are you on?
I just finished "Dark Hollow." I have three more to go before I'm caught up!

My thoughts on DH (apologies if all of this has already been said)

* I was happily surprised that at the start of the episode Emma was ready to leave with Neal for "shadow duty" before Hook (apparently scared to leave them alone together?) jumped in as third wheel.

* If, at the time the episode aired, there was a debate about Hook's motivation in telling Neal that he and Emma kissed, put me in the "Hook did to to cause trouble" camp. Nothing will make me believe that he genuinely cared about Neal's feelings in that scene, or that he ever thought Neal already knew (as he told Emma). And "dalliance"? Please. It was one kiss.

* I also didn't appreciate Hook outright telling Emma that she has to make a choice while she's in the middle of trying to rescue her son, and then later in the episode making her even more uncomfortable when he told her that he and Neal weren't fighting over the lighter (as if Emma wasn't smart enough to have figured that out on her own without Hook spelling it out for her like she's two). He's so damn pushy/insecure.

* The things that Snow and Charming were saying to each other during their argument felt an awful lot like things Emma and Neal could have said to each other after Neal left Emma. It's not a perfect parallel, but the core of the argument -- trusting in love and believing in each other (Emma/Snow) versus leaving the other "for her own good" so she can go on to have a different/better life (Neal/Charming) -- is the same in both cases.

* Another thing I noticed: after the lighter incident, Neal was the first/only one to actually apologize.

* When Emma said "if I have to choose someone," her eyes lingered on Neal. Not a big deal, but noticeable.

Hopefully I'll be able to watch the other three episodes tomorrow.
"I understood why you're doing what you're doing. Why you told me when you did -- to save me." [emily&jack] | "You're my ride." [linden&holder]
"Nobody could be that clever." "You could." [sherlock&john] | "Why do you wear the, uh, key chain I got you?" [emma&neal]
"I'd say I believe in the future -- and so could you." [mary&charles] (tumblr.)
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