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Old 12-11-2013, 03:37 AM
Impossible Girl
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14 is voted out with 3 votes

Alex Whitman Quote Survivor
Each round you vote for your least favourite quote
Each round lasts 3 days
Have fun
Round two:


Okay, I'm making a point here. The point here is, the musicians get the ladies.

I did a striptease in front of her mother. Are you listening to me?

Chill out? Chill out? I spent $150 to rent this costume. And do you have any idea how it feels to walk around all day with a thong up your ass?


I was wondering - do aliens enjoy the cinema?


Isabel Evans and Alex Charles Whitman out on a date? That's like, miraculous, you know, this is-this is the biggest moment of Alex Charles Whitman's life...

Right. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and go have a little talk with myself.

I know how scary it is, to have to leave... leave this world, but as it turns out, it's not so bad. Your heart is your heart, your soul is your soul. That doesn't change.

Great. Great. Hey, listen... let me ask you guys a question. As women, do you find that all men are obsessive?

So, I'm off to gym. Dodge ball. Ok, so... wish me luck.

If I had a therapist, he'd say talking to you is detrimental to my mental health.

This has nothing to do with that party, does it? Sheriff, I want out of here... right now. I demand it, or I'm going to get a lawyer and I'm going to sue for abusive treatment of a minor. I may be 16, but I know my rights.

Well, I've got 2 theories. One is that... uh, you and Liz have been brainwashed by a drug cult.


We are high school geeks and we like it like that.


In the interests of science, kissing being purported to invoke.. insights, I wanted to, you know, offer myself as a human subject available for experimentation.
'I have already settled it for myself so flattery and criticism go down the same drain and I am quite free.' Georgia O'Keefe
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