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Old 11-01-2013, 10:34 AM
Line Day
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Originally Posted by anjelia (View Post)
This part was one of my fav scene from the pilot, it's like he was fantasized doing this with Mina.

His obsession is already pretty intense, so i can't imagine his jealousy

I also loved this scene (the way he says "Mina" ):



Oh yes anjelia Bravo!!! i love the gifs thanks! Yeah this moment when he saw to Mina before his presentation speech....was incredible.... the time stood still ..... the camera´s angle was perfect, blending his facial expression with the interlude of his memories....with his wife...when he was a happy man married!!! And later his way of say "Mina" as we are watching here...♥ as hypnotized ♥...he is watching the love of his life AGAIN! this is worthy of Shakespeare! What magic moment....and when was over the effect of the bulbs? He start to go on front to her.....uauh! As you say, his feeling are strong, his jealousy will be brutal!! Can you imagine to have a Dracula as rival?.... hahaha Jhonny will be lost!!! ♥
“Are you sure
That we are awake? It seems to me
That yet we sleep, we dream.....

(Shakespeare: "Midsummer´s night dream")
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