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Old 10-31-2013, 01:51 PM
Fan Forum Star

msstock87's Avatar
Joined: Nov 2010
Posts: 249,448
1. You name your new cat Mr. Bonkers
2. You want to cry when you see the ads for the final
3. You write angry letters to the That 70’s Show website
4. You bother to learn all the actors names in the show
5. You memorize every line of every character
6. When it's the only show you watch on TV
7. When it gets you to start reading fanfics
8. When you end up at fanforum
9. You have seen every episode
10.You start making clothes like the characters wear
11.You've dyed your hair green to match Jackie's new hair
12.You use quotes from the show in everyday conversation
13.You call your girlfriend Hot Donna
14. You cry because Jackie and Hyde break up
15. You cry when Jackie falls in love with Fez
16. When you start writing your own stories about T7S.
17. You listen to a bunch of songs from the '70s
18. You see items worn by the cast on eBay and actually consider paying $250.00 for a Jean jacket worn by Danny Masterson
19. You buy all the DVD's even though they play the episodes in syndication ALL the time
20. You start wearing polyester
21. You try to do you're hair like Jackie's and/or Donna
22. You call everyone a dumbass
23. You TRY to laugh like Kitty
24. You say "Burn!" every once in a while
25. You believe that there's this car, and it runs on water, man!
26. You have been told by more that one person that "its only a TV show".As you ramble on like you personally know the characters.
27. You sing the theme song at school or work
28. You drive miles and miles just to see a live taping
29. You tell your friends that you’re best friends with the cast
30. You start to laugh before the characters tell the joke
31. You talk about it constantly to everyone
32. You compare you're boyfriend to "Eric"
33. You wake up this morning (5/18) and cry because you know it's the last time you'll ever see a new episode of That 70’s Show ever again.
34. You call your girlfriend Snow Queen
35. You are convinced that you and your significant other are so Jackie and Hyde
36. You watch the reruns over and over again
37. You pay 1200 dollars for a folding lawn chair on eBay
38. You get you're clothes specially made that way it looks like there’s
39. You refer to your lunch table as "the circle"
40. You can't understand why Hyde would ever quit the circle.
41. You never get tired of Red's foot in the ass.
42. You actually tried to put you're foot up someone’s ass
43. You go out with three of your friends and ask them to marry you
44. You consider changing your name to the name of a character and/or actor on the show.
45. You collect magazine articles and posters of all the actors on the show.
46. You marry your best friend's sister and tell everyone that your visa was going to expire even though you are an American full time.
47. You're continuing your never-ending hunt to find Twonkies in a supermarket!
48. When looking for a new boyfriend, you look for the "scrawny neighbor boy" or "rebel with conspiracy issues"
49. When you register for college, you feel your mom should send colleges pies
50. You tell your girlfriend to dress up like a Star Wars character
51. You want to go see LaserFloyd
52. You name a body part Pink Floyd
53. Your favorite funny word is Pickleweasel and you find having an oral test on the penal code hilarious
54. You're a guy and cry because Jackie and Hyde broke up, or when Red hugged Eric, or any other really emotional part in the series.
55. Your family, friends and relatives tell you you have a problem.
56. You watch episodes and write down the songs in them just to reminisce.
57. You were going to travel from Canada days early just to attend the final taping.
58. You choke up every time you hear 'Thirteen', but you cant stop listening.
59. You are searching for a girl who is EXACTLY like Donna.
60. You would settle for a Jackie type girl just so you can be called 'puddin pop' - (these last few were for a few good laughs)
61. You plan on naming one of your kids after one of the cast members.
62. You read the scripts daily, and memorize them
63. You say burn when a friend burns you or someone else
64. You say "Liar! I'm the bitch and you love me" to your significant other, friends, and family.
65. You keep adding obsessive behaviors to this list
66. You wish the show never ended
67. You cry when someone mentions the finale of the show
68. You tell people you work at the Foto Hut
69. You cried when Eric left the show
70. You make a list of things you loved and hated about the eigth season
71. Your mind is living in a world where there never was a season eight
72. your senior prom dress is going to be a replica of Jackie's snow prom dress ( I’ll post pics later guys, don't worry )
73. You can't miss one episode or you get mad.
74. You like to tell people "shut your piehole!"
75. You think of all the similarities between your friends and cast members then call them by the character they most represent
76. You spend most of Memorial Day watching FX's That 70s Show marathon...and had a blast!
77. You Google image search Jackie & Hyde's and Eric & Donna's weddings
78. You consider going to a college where the initials are F.U.
79. You watch the musical over and over again
80. You watch season 8 episodes even though you know they suck
81. You often ask yourself WWJD? : What would Jackie do?
82. When you start noticing stuff like: Hyde drinks milk with his steak
83. When you start every sentence with "one time, on That 70s Show..."
84. You watch season 1- 4 on dvd until season 5 comes out.
85. You order the "Mila Dress" from Delia's
86. You can't wait to see the reunion special in the future
87. You get annoyed at people who refer to Fez as 'the Puerto Rican guy' because they just don't understand!!'
88. You spend all day trying to figure out where Fez is from.
89. You zip your and your bf/gf'’s sleeping bags together like Eric and Donna in "Vanstock"
90. When you're having a conversation with someone, and you refer to your friends as an example for a're "friends" and their "situation" are actually from an episode of That 70's Show.
91. When you rewatch every episode just to break down the statistics of every scene. Exp: How many times Kelso gets beat up. (Hey I was sick, and it was fun!)
92. When you spend your entire day watching seasons 1-7. (No job at the moment.)
93. You and your friends refer to each other as character names based on personality (I’m Eric)
94. You wish you could meet one of the cast members just cause you can
95. When you watch every show and movie the cast has been in.
96. When you put more effort into a website AFTER the show is over!
97. When T7S is on two different channels at the same time, and you don't have TIVO, you end up flipping back and forth between them, because you don't want to have to choose.
98. When you can sit through EIGHTH season. (This show turned to crap!) Should've been called "After Topher left!"
99. You are slightly depressed at the moment because you realized your prom dress does not look exactly like Jackie's in Tornado Prom
100. You're whole wall is dedicated to Jackie and Hyde
101. You grow your hair like Forman and collect Star Wars action figures
102. When you fave local radio station randomly plays sound bites from T7S in their intros you can always point them out and tell who said it, what episode and why
103. When the only 2 cars you want are an El Camino and a Volkswagen bus.
104. You wanted to buy and play with your own evil knievel stunt cycle
105.When you re-model your basement to look exactly like Eric’s basement, down to the couch, chairs, coffee table and the old tv; complete with the smell of pot and laundry detergent.
106. You refuse to listen to any music post 1979, and you only listen to vinyl records.
107. you have decided to blame Spiderman and Demi Moore (and maybe that new marines movie Ashton is in) for the downfall of the show in season 8
108. When you strip in front of your bf/husband to get attention and end up getting your hair caught on fire from the candles you place around the room for some feeling
109. You make avatars form the show
110. You like to throw stuff at other stuff when you get bored
111. You enlist in the army and insist on being called Lieutenant Funion
112. You frequently call people "dillhole" and/or "dumbass"
113. You are considered "Dr. Pee-Pee" back in camp or "Chief Brown Bottom"
114. You start comparing your life in the present to back then in (any) war
115. You met the man of your dreams by bumping on his butt and falling down laughing, end up getting married for 25 years (or longer)and having his two teenage kids
116. You dye the girl's hair that you like green
117. You are desperately trying to find out if the all-star celebrity softball game will be replayed because you missed it and Danny Masterson was one of the players
118. You go to Mila's thread and look at all her pictures.
119. You're pissed that Danny grew back the season 8 'stache
120. You start potato chip fights!
121. You call everyone Dillholes
122. You watch the E! True Hollywood Story even though you've already seen it 3 times before.
123. You go buy the 35th anniversary addition of some mascara just because Donna had in in Season 4.
124. You keep posting in this thread
125. You're mad at Donna for giving her Zeppelin tickets to Fez and Caroline even though she can't give them to you since they aren't real.
126. When the couple that got you watching the show actually becomes canon and it shocks you so much you become obsessed again.
127.You’re a Late Bloomer
128. You steal a street sign in an attempt to give it as a birthday present for one of your friends and end up showing your bra strap to this kid you hardly even know but getting it anyway only to find out you could get it at the flea market for 2 dollars
129. You get drunk and dance right in front of a chippendale stripper doing push-ups for your loving entertainment
130. you make playlists on itunes of the songs that correspond to the episode titles of seasons 5 thru 8
131. You get a tattoo of Woodstock just because that’s what Eric got.
132. you search for Twonkies not Twinkies when food shopping
133. for your freshman year of college you are naming your Facebook photo albums after Zeppelin songs (and plan to name next year's after songs by The Who and so on)
134. You've discovered the awesomeness that is 70s rock!
135. You compliment people's looks by saying "you look very brick house"
136. You walk around with a Packers helmet on your head
137. you just watched the FX Friday night marathon while flying on jet blue and laughed out loud for all the other passengers to hear!
138. You get emotional every time you hear the song 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road', because they played that song during the previews for the last episode.
139. You run out of ideas to use for a fanfic cause you’ve used them all.
140. When someone is looking for a friend, you suggest checking the school morgue.
150. You have hugged the T.V. or Computer when T7S is playing
151. Sometimes when somebody is handing you and object, any object, you clap your hands briskly and say "Give to Fez!"
152. You swing around on a garden hose at keg parties
153. You devote days to building an exact replica of the Forman’s' house on The Sims 2.
154. Your Sidekick sings "Hanging out!" and "We're All Alright!" to you when it opens/closes.
155. You've called one of the cast members to ask him the size of a certain body part because it was going to drive you nuts until you knew.
156. Your TIVO froze up for an entire day because you were incessantly rewinding, pausing, and slow-moing to watch Hyde tug at the hem of Jackie's jeans.
157. You've asked your husband to take the kids somewhere so you can finish you mid-term when it was really just your latest fanfic chapter.
158.You search the avatar thread for the perfect avatar even if you have to look in the older threads.
159. You name your new dog Schotzie
160. You are planning a re-run party for May 6th [the anniversary of the season finale]
161. You recognize that your friends picture of her and some other people on a life guarding tower at the beach looks like a recreation of a water tower scene
162.You have a heart attack when a cast member breaks up with whoever they are going out with
163. You're writing up an assignment and you have to type the word "hide" and you spell it "Hyde"
164. You talk about it in Biology when your supposed to be doing work.
165. You can hear people talk about it from across your school
166. You characterize characters on other shows based on T7S characters (ie. Ryan Atwood is a "Hyde", Rachel Green is a "Jackie")
167: You read over this list and know exactly what everyone of these posts means and they apply to you
168.You add all the characters to your Myspace friends.
169. You are able to figure out a quote on t7s hangman after like 4 letters are added
170. You search the characters on Facebook and get really jealous when girls are actually named Jackie Burkhart
171. You have pictures of Mila and or Laura hanging on your wall
172. You consider a live screening of the show as an event in history
173. You watch marathons on DVD
174. Your friends get annoyed because when you watch it with them you know all the lines and say them before they happen
175. When angry the first insult you give to someone is "dill hole"
176. You find yourself saying 'dumbass' a little more often than you used too.
177. Your personality becomes similar to your favorite
178. Your idea of the perfect proposal is for your fiancé to say "We belong together like bob-bobba-looba-shwalla-sh'bang, sh'bang."--The black wife-beater and tight leathers would just be a plus.
179. You find yourself singing "space cowboy" and "Groove thing" while dancing like them.
180. You preordered every DVD set that has been released
181. You begin to mistake salesmen for government secret services.
182. You ask people if they had Carnation Instant Bitch for breakfast
183. You own the DVDs and yet you still record the reruns on your dvr/tivo to watch "at random".
184. You get a new foreign exchange student at school and you desperately want to call him Fez!
185. You STILL cry after 3 years when you see J and H break up.
186. When you find a T7S obsessive thread, edit it for punctuation, and reply to it even though it has not seen the light of day for over two years.
187. You see a Wisconsin license plate or an El Camino while you are driving and get really excited.
188. You made your first post on this thread 6 years ago, and you're still posting about your T7S obsessions.
189. You make 1000 comics (and counting) and write 2000 pages (and counting) of fiction based on the show.
190. when you see Lindsay Lohan's biography at the library , you bring it home ONLY because one of the cast members used to date her.
191. You write essays explaining the subtext of the characters.
192. You ask for more essays explaining the subtext of the characters.
193. When you end up watching YT videos of the show rather than sleeping
194. When you wake up at 3 AM to go to the bathroom and the TVs on 'cause you forgot to turn it off, and That '70s Show happens to be playing... and you stay up watching it instead of going back to sleep.
195. Because we could watch this show forever
196. Because my heart broke when I watched the finale
197. You cry with your friends over the show.
198. Because I will never stop shipping Jackie and Hyde
199. Because you can spend hours explaining how horrible season 8 was to your signification other.
200. When you 'ship a real-life couple for 'shipping Jackie and Hyde.
201. When you watch the show despite the fact that you weren't born during the 70's and 80's
202. When you can't stop watching the show even though you should be studying instead!
203. When you wish the writers hadn't changed Fez at all
204. You begin dropping key catchphrases such as "milady" and a drawn-out "what-ev-ver" into everyday conversation (even the ones that don't need them )
205. When you ship Jackie/Hyde so hard you faint
206. When you've looked at enough screengrabs from the series to know what episode Eric runs in or Fez shakes his fist or Hyde clutches his belt.
207. When you can't stop looking at pictures or fan art of Jackie and Hyde.
208. When you can't stop making fan art of Jackie and Hyde.
209. When you are addicted to Jackie/Hyde fanfiction and love it when you get an email notification of an update on one of your favorite stories.
210. When you discover a new (or old) great T7S fanfic.
211. When you go back and re read your favorite parts of fanfics more than once
212. When you make friends through mutual love of the show.
213. When the first thing you do when you get home from work is check Fanforum on That 70's show. Instead of checking email or whatnot.
214: When you post on a T7S MB every day for almost three years.
215. When you keep finding reasons to hate season 8
216. When you lament the decrease in quality of the writing starting in season 6.
217. When you can't watch certain episodes because they break your heart.
218. When you watch certain episodes repeatedly because they make your heart happy.
219. When you memorize your favorite Jackie/Hyde scenes
220. When you remember exactly what it felt like to watch season 5 for the first time when it originally aired.
221. When you constantly search for youtube videos of Jackie/Hyde
222. When you remember the first commercials that aired for That '70s Show weeks before the pilot originally went on.
223. When you keep looking for more That 70s show or Jackie and Hyde fan webpages because you are obsessed.
224. When you lament the fandom shrinking by 90%.
225. When you see an El Camino and get excited.
226. When you see a That '70s Show promo pic you've never seen before and get excited.
227. When you can have a 3 hour online conversation with your friends about the show.
228. When you find the difference between the songs they used in the original airings and the songs used in syndication interesting.
229. When you compare other couples to Jackie/Hyde or Eric/Donna
230. When you want to wear the majority of Jackie's wardrobe.
231. When you want to own Hyde's sunglasses.
232. When you want your own man to dress like Hyde
233. When you see a Led Zeppelin shirt and think of Jackie and Hyde
234. When you listen to "Bring It On Home" (by Zeppelin) and think of Hyde giving Jackie a safe place to sleep
235. When you listen to Led Zeppelin and think of season 5
236. When you enjoy watching Hyde moon Fez
237. When you keep looking for hidden Zen moments.
238. When you watch .gifs of J/H making out repeatedly.
239. When you see a picture of Jackie/Hyde you have never seen you get excited.
240. When you see behind-the-scenes footage you've never seen before and shed a tear.
241. When you can watch the show over and over again and never get tired of it.
242. When you play an episode and fantasizes about being with them, like reacting to the things they say and stuff.
243. When you get your friends/Family members into the show.
244. When you talk about how badly the S8 writers screwed T7S up, and the person you're talking to gets sick of it -- 'cause you talked about it for over an hour.
245. When you save other people from watching season 8.
246. When you laugh to yourself while remembering funny lines from the show.
247. When dillhole becomes part of your everyday talk.
248. When you wish you could tell people to "get bent" the way Hyde does.
249. When you have told people to "get bent" and thoroughly enjoyed it.
250. When you noticed that several actors on the show has slight speech impediments (the same kind, actually) that eventually disappeared in later seasons.
251. When you rewind a scene at least 3 times to watch a zen moment.
252. When you wish Hyde had kissed Jackie more than once back when he had a longer, scruffier 'fro.
253. When you have certain outfits memorized that they wore on certain episodes.
254. When you hear the Everly Brothers Song "When Will I Be Loved" and think of the trucker who tried to seduce Kelso in "Ski Trip"
255. Whenever you hear "Love Hurts" you think of the show.
256. When you recognize one character's shirt or coat being worn by another character (e.g., Hyde's shirt on Eric, Eric's sweatshirt on Hyde, etc.)
257. When calling somebody a dumbass takes on a whole new meaning.
258. When you see a banjo, and you automatically think of Bob.
259. When you say I love you to your husband and he responded back " I love Cake" and you both burst out laughing. ( This may or may not have happened)
260. When you randomly quote T7S, and people who don't know the show give you "the look".
261. When you quote T7S with your husband all the time.
262. When you have several T7S dreams throughout the year.
263. When you try to do the circle with your friends.
264. When you try to imagine what the futures of all the characters are.
265. When you have personal head!canons for the characters and get a little miffed when you don't see them on the show ('cause you forgot they're only in your head).
266. When you can't watch Scooby Doo without thinking of the cartoon circle scene.
267. When you marvel at how much Hyde's wardrobe changed from season 1 to the rest of the seasons.
268. When you hear certain songs on the radio and it reminds you of the show.
269. When you list reasons why you know you're obsessed with the show.
270. When you hear certain songs on the radio and they make you think of certain characters on the show.
271. When you wish you could eat some of Kitty's cooking.
272. When you agree with more than half of this list.
273. When you enjoy watching T7S's opening theme-song montage repeatedly.
274. When the Halloween or Christmas episodes become a holiday tradition.
275. When you look for items that resemble Hyde's watch or Jackie's butterfly pendant.
276. When the 70's itself take on a whole new meaning.
277. When you wish you could travel back to the '70s to find your own Hyde
278. When the theme song is one of the ringers on your phone.
279. When you download ABBA's "Fernando" iTunes because it was on the show... and you don't like ABBA
280. When you have listened to ABBA, and you don't like ABBA.
281. When you get sad over Donna and Eric's breakup even after the 100th time you've seen it happen.
282. When you have the opening sequence memorized.
283. When you like knowing minor details like the characters' middle names and birthdays.
284. When your husband tries to look up where Point Place would be if it's a real place, and you help him.
285. When you get excited about Wisconsin geography while writing a T7S fanfic
286. When you come home from work and immediately put on the show when you had a rough day.
287. When you stare at Hyde's hand grasping Jackie's thigh in "Whole Lotta Love" while Fez tells the tale of his first time having sex.
288. When you always look for hidden Zen.
289. When you imagine what Jackie and Hyde are talking about in the background of scenes
290. When you have the characters future planned out in your head.
291: When you ponder the subtle shifts in Donna's red hair color from season to season.
292. When you have all their hair and style changes memorized.
293. When you wish Hyde and Jackie could've shared more kisses when Hyde's hair was longer and scruffier
294. When you rewind scenes multiple times.
295. When you consider sending fanmail to a cast member of the show
296. When you consider sending fanmail to a character in the show.
297. When you get excited to see new fans of the show on FanForum.
298. When you stay up a half-hour later to watch the show when you really have to get up in the morning.
299. When you are nodding along with every new thing added to this list.
300. When you enjoy watching Hyde clutch his belt buckle -- partly because it's a neat bit of characterization.
301. When you can watch the same Jackie/Hyde youtube video and still get the same feeling as you did the first time you watched it.
302. When you keep coming up with different story ideas for the characters.
303. When you compare other tv/movie characters to the characters on the show.
304. When can apply the show's storylines/characters to your own life.
305. When you figure who of your friends/family is who in the show.
306. When you get frustrated/miffed at people who say Jackie and Kelso were "the best couple ever" -- because they seem to forget that Kelso cheated on Jackie and ran off on her while Jackie was manipulative and controlling of him.
307. When you google an image of one of Jackie's dresses.
308. When you try clutching your belt buckle like Hyde
309. When a song reminds you of Jackie/Hyde.
310. When you play a video game and imagine how the T7S characters would deal with the situation.
311. When sometimes being on this board can cheer you up after a rough day.
312. When you wonder where Hyde's eyeball ring went in season 7.
313. When every time you look at a bb gun you think of the show.
314. When you have a hard time believing Red would let Eric have a hamster.
315. When you can't believe somebody let Kelso have a bb gun.
316. When you wish Kelso's parents had paid more attention to him.
317. When you want your own stupid helmet to put on people.
318. When you own a helmet you call the Stupid Helmet -- and feel stupid when wearing it.
319. When you have a Jackie/Hyde dream.
320. When you enter a clothing store that's gone "totally '80s" and wish it had gone '70s, partly because of the show.
321. When you get satisfaction out of other people hating season 8 or Jackie/Fez.
322. When you see a trash bin on the sidewalk that reminds you of the Formans' deep freeze.
323. When you want to see that trash bin!
324. When you compare other curly-haired guys to Hyde, and they come up short ('cause the hair doesn't fit their face as well).
325. When you are watching hockey, and you hear a song in the background at the arena and realize it was a song that is in one of your favorite Jackie/Hyde youtube videos. (This happened to me tonight.)
326. When you see a commercial where one of the actors looks a bit like Hyde, and you wonder if he sold out.
327. When you wouldn't mind looking like Mila Kunis.
328. When you get a mild cold and start feeling like a high Red Forman.
329. When you have been sick in bed and watch the show to cheer you up.
330. When you've been sick with a sore throat and wish you had some of their Popsicles.
331. When you love rereading through this list.
332. When you listen to a new song because it fits with a T7S .gif someone posted.
333. When you start liking a band because of the show.
334. When you seriously consider what the gang should name their children.
335. When you are curious what names your friend came up with for their children.
336. When you tell your friend what names you pondered for the T7S gang's children
366. When you agree with your friend's names on the the gang's children.
367. When you have a dream where you're watching an alternate version of season 8, and some of it is actually really good (with nice n' hot J/H moments).
368. When you see somebody in a store and think, "That's what Hyde would look like now."
369. When you hope the Hyde-like guy your friend saw in a store was hot.
370. When you like finding people that look like what the gang may look like now.
371. When you seriously consider making a T7S game.
372. When you would play a T7S game.
373. When you can rant repeatedly about the same things about T7S that annoy you
374. When you now associate Queen with that horrible season.
375. When don't find S8 Hyde (without the pornstache) attractive even though he looks the same physically as Hyde from seasons 6 and 7.
376. When you see a pornstache now you automatically think of season hate Hyde.
377. When you still wish T7S had done a Welcome Back, Kotter fantasy.
378. When you can't stop finding hidden Zen scenes.
379. When you want to know the latest hidden Zen scene your friend found.
380. When you spend hours trying to make the perfect avatar that has Jackie and Hyde in it.
381. When you get excited over the prospect of seeing Hyde rub Jackie's leg.
382. When you stay up late watching the actors' other projects.
383. When you get excited over the fact that Danny Masterson was talking about how great a Mila Kunis movie was on his twitter.
384. When you decide to make (and start working on) another trailer for a T7S fanfic.
385. When you can't wait to see your friends trailer!
386. When you over-analyze a music video the T7S gang was in.
387. When you get excited that DM Favorited a Jackie/Hyde youtube video.
388. When you wish you could see alternate takes of certain scenes on the show.
389. When your laptop broke and the first website you go on when you have access to a laptop is FanForum.
390. When your brain is overflowing with T7S fanfic ideas.
391. When you get annoyed they are re releasing season 8 on dvd. Burn it already!
392. When you get a li'l giddy seeing Jackie's hand on Hyde's arm in a S4 episode ("Eric's Depression").
393. When you have noticed that moment before in season 4 and were giddy too.
394. When you get annoyed as another character blocks J/H from view.
395. When you spend a snow day home from work watching the show.
396. When you risk a repetitive-use injury working on T7S fannish works.
397. When you love getting emails with fanic updates.
398. When you imagine how the gang would react to the internet.
399. When you now are thinking what the gangs facebook statuses would be if they had the internet.
400. When you're glad the gang didn't grow up in the age of the internet.
401. When you look for T7S references in daily life.
402. When an episode you've seen dozens of times still induces lot of smiling and laughing.
403. When an episode can cheer you up.
404. When you find footage from another show that could possibly manipulated into your head!canon for T7S. *be's mysterious*
405. When you are curious what show your friend found and what footage.
406. When you PM your friend about the footage.
407. When you realize your two favorite couples ever ( Jackie/Hyde, Pacey/Joey) both have a scene where the guy shaves his beard or facial hair off for their girl.
408. When you watch DM in a show where he was closer to the age Hyde actually was in T7S, and you imagine Hyde looking that way.
409. When you can't wait to spend your break watching the show and catching up on Fanfic.
410. When you like the fact the characters (even the guys) wore clothes with rainbows on them.
411. When you appreciate rainbows more now.
412, When you make anagrams out of the characters' names.
413. When you associate Led Zeppelin and season 5 now and are okay with it.
414. When you create various head!canon for minor things, like why Hyde went from scruffy hair to a cleaner cut in S5 and why Eric and Hyde sometimes wore each other's wardrobe.
415. When you have some bizarre dream at your old high school and Hyde randomly shows up in it.
416. When you undertake a T7S fanfic against your nature in order to challenge yourself... because you're *that* into the T7S universe.
417. When you try to figure out what the gangs kids would look like.
418. When you're glad the show made the connection between Kelso and Travolta.
419. When you hear "Love Hurts" on the radio and immediately think of the show.
420. When you can't stop coming up with occupations the T7S gang could've undertaken.
421. When you hear songs and associate them with certain members of the gang.
422. When you have whacked-out T7S dreams.
423. When you have seen The American Pie movies a million times but every time you see Shannon Elizabeth, you think, "It's Brooke!"
424. When you argue against having a T7S reunion because you love the show so much that you don't want it ruined further.
425. When you continue the argument against a T7S reunion because you feel the same way.
426. When you love the fact DM wore a Hyde-like wardrobe in other shows... because it helps with your T7S project.
427. When you randomly look on ebay for That 70's show memorabilia and get excited when you see a vest DM wore and a top that MK wore.
428. When you zip over to eBay to see what your friend saw.
429. When you listen to Led Zeppelin and wonder what episode they could have made out of a certain song for season 5.
430. When you you find the T7S sets fascinating.
431. When you are excited at the possibility at another snow day from work tomorrow so you can stay home and read fanfic and fanforum.
432. When you wrack your brain at night before bed to find the perfect J/H scene to end your fanfic trailer with.
433. When you are excited to see this new FanFic trailer your friend is making.
434. When you're excited for your friend to see the trailer -- and read the fanfic -- and are happy your friend appreciates these things, too.
435. When you find yourself watching a clip of Jackie/Hyde making out for like five minutes.
436. When you laugh because you relate to your friend's watching a clip of Jackie/Hyde making out for, like, five minutes.
437. When you see a new picture of Danny and Mila cuddling on the set and get all happy.
438. When you'd very much like to see this new picture described above...
439. When you join pretty much every group that ships Jackie/Hyde because you want to share the love.
440. When you can't stop staring at Hyde's hands on Jackie's hips during their dance in "I Can't Quit You, Baby"
445. When you love watching where Hyde's hands are on Jackie all the time.
446. When you can't remember what T7S episode you watched before (late at night), but you do remember enjoying it.
447. When every time you run across a season 8 dvd set on amazon or ebay you die a little on the inside.
448. When you never seem to tire talking about the show.
449. When you associate 70's music with the show now automatically.
450. When you can't watch people disco dancing without thinking of T7S.
451. When you don't like Disco, but won't turn it off if it comes on the radio because of the show.
452. When you wish you knew someone who had Kitty's laugh.
453. When you imagine Jackie/Hyde's wedding day.
454. When you're willing to use the horrible season 8 for the better good of Jackie and Hyde.
455. When you fight the urge to explain to everybody to support Jackie/Hyde.
456. When you do a little cheer because your T7S trailer is forming up nicely.
457. When you can't wait to see your friend's trailer.
458. When you get a li'l happy because your rainbow gloves look like something Jackie would wear.
459. When you have a dream you are sitting around the dinner table with Red and Laurie.
460. When notice in Jackie's fantasy-version of how she and Hyde got together that Jackie's hip knocks into the stereo as she and Hyde dance closer together... (that's a mouthful).
461. When you are going to pay even closer attention to Jackie's fantasy version now!
462. When you still post on the FanForum That's 70s Show board 7 years later
463. When you are super happy to see this board doing better than it was a few months ago.
464. When you put in a good amount of effort to make the T7S board do better than it had been doing.
465. When you are more interested in 70's culture now.
466. When you can always find a way to bring T7S into a conversation.
467. When the show cheers you up on a rough day.
468. When you get a li'l excited 'cause you finally find at a store some dresses Jackie would've worn.
469. When you compare every couple to Jackie/Hyde.
470. When you spend a good portion of each day thinking or talking about the show.
471. When you found yourself doing the Jackie clap when you got happy about something.
472. When you realize you got a minor T7S detail slightly wrong in one of your fanfics, and it bugs you disproportionately to the problem.
473. When you get excited about seeing Da nny shirtless in men at work.
474. When you always take some T7S DVDs with you on vacation.
475. When you have found a way to log on to FanForum on vacation at a place with little internet connection.
476. When you keep working on T7S stuff up to the last minute before leaving on a plane.
477. When you see an outfit and think " Jackie would so wear that."
478. When you can conjure Eric's lusty voice in your mind too easily.
479. When you hear the song "Night Fever" on the radio and you think of the movie "The 10th Kingdom", which makes you think of your friends fanfic. ( Yes I actually have seen The 10th Kingdom a long time ago.)
480. When you spend what little free-time you have doing T7S stuff.
481. When you spend your week off work reading fanfic.
482. When you go to sleep thinking about the T7S characters.
483. When you hear a song and think about T7S
484. When you can't pick a favorite episode of T7S because you like too many.
485. When you are annoyed when your internet and cable goes out because you have trouble getting on FanForum then.
486. When you're glad your friend's internet is back so she can post on Fanforum regularly
487. When you should be sleeping but you are on Fanforum instead.
488. When you whip up a T7S fanfic for your birthday.
489. When you wish you could make a cool T7S card for your friend on her birthday.
490. When you appreciate the thought of a friend you made through T7S
491. When you get excited to meet new Zennies on FanForum.
492. When you enjoy scrolling through screenshots of T7S episodes.
493. When you are happy that your in laws have a dog that looks like Shatzi.
494. When you can't get Hyde's dialogue from "Eric's Buddy" out of your head, and you like it.
495. When every time you see aviator sunglasses you think of Hyde.
496. When you think about how the T7S gang would've looked had the actors (other than MK) actually been the characters' ages
497.When you wonder how the gang's friendships would have been like as they got older.
498. When you watch Happy Days and can't help comparing it to That '70s Show.
499. When you love that there are almost 500 reasons on this list!
500. When the show is still a significant part of your day after seven years of it being off the air.
501. When you read a Jackie/Eric story that your friend wrote, even though you are a Jackie/Hyde fan.
502. When you write a Jackie/Eric story even though you're a Jackie/Hyde fan, and you let your fellow Zennie friends off the hook from reading it -- though are appreciative if they do read it (that's a long sentence *lol*).
503. When you think Danny's voice is extremely sexy when he sings Midnight Toker.
504. When you feel like you were born in the wrong decade & wish you grew up in Point Place with the gang.
505. You start greeting people with "Hey there, hi there, ho there."
506. When it can cheer you up after a rough week.
507. When you spend way too many hours editing T7S wikia pages.
508. When your analysis of the show probably could fit more than one college term paper.
509. When you have so many ideas for T7S fanfic you don't know what to do with yourself.
510. When you can't get enough T7S fanfic.
511. When you're curious as to why the show creators named the characters what they did.
512. When you get excited that they mention Mackinac Island on the show, because as somebody from Michigan you go there pretty much at least once a year.
513. When you can't end a scene between Jackie and Hyde in your latest story 'cause the interaction's just so good.
514. When you can relate so much to Jackie/Hyde
515. When you write over 11,500 words of J/H goodness in three days.
516. When you're still mad at season 8 writers for breaking up Jackie/Hyde
517. When you try to make sense of T7S season 1's episode production order.
518. When you hope to someday catch up on all the fanfiction you want to read!
519: When you ascribe deeper meanings to where the characters are sitting in the basement, depending on what happened to them earlier in the episode
520. When you see a bacon commercial, and the guy goes "mmmmm" you immediately think of Eric Forman.
521. When you wish you could've hung out at The Hub a few times.
522. When the hub always makes you want french fries.
523. When you think about making a map of Point Place.
524. When you want to now see a map of Point Place.
525. When you wish you could snoop inside Hyde, Eric, and all the characters' drawers and closets.
526. When you wonder why they felt the need to put pepto bismol as a prop in Hyde's bedroom.
526: When you wish you could raid Jackie's closet and steal her wardrobe.
527. When you want to memorize all the props on the set.
528. When you find yourself reading all of this list. Yes, all 527 things.
529: When you go into a drug store and sniff Brut and Old Spice to know what Hyde smells like.
530. When you think you are going to do the same thing now in a drug store.
531. When you wish you could go with your T7S-lovin' friend to a drugstore and learn what Hyde smells like together.
532. When you see something that was actually filmed in the 70's on tv and you think of the show.
533. When you look up stuff about the movie *Smokey and the Bandit* to understand Eric's obsession with it.
534. When you would be happy to share your knowledge on "Smokey and the Bandit", since it actually is one of your favorite movies.
535. When you ask your friend to write up a li'l somethin' about *Smokey and the Bandit* in Eric's thread.
536. When to celebrate a good day, you watch the show.
537. When you want to go to the water tower and hang out.
538. When you see a candle called " mmm bacon" and you think of Eric.
539. When you watch *Happy Days* and make a ton of comparisons to T7S.
540. When more than one person has the same obsessive behavior regarding T7S.
541. When you enjoy seeing all 500+ entries on this list repeatedly.
542. When you can't wait to get home from work to talk to your friends on FanForum.
543. When you find what the characters wear to sleep interesting (and not in a pervy way; just as a characterization-thing).
544. When you look for hidden things in the background when you watch.
545. When you look forward to posting on the T7S board extensively again when you have more time.
546. When you pay real close attention to Hyde's wardrobe and even notice that he had a tear in his jeans.
547. When you recall the tear in Hyde's jeans but not the episode in which it appears.
548. When you are glad you are not the only person who noticed the rip in Hyde's jeans.
549. When you spend more than five seconds pondering the different shades of red Donna's hair has been.
550. When you rewind "Jackie bags Hyde" to analyze Hyde's body language.
551. When you want to talk to your friend about Hyde's body language in "Jackie Bags Hyde"
552. When you go back and re read your favorite parts of fanfictions, over and over again.
553. When you try to flesh-out Point Place for a fanfic.
554. When you get excited when you see decor from the 70's.
555. When you spend a significant amount of time searching for a cherry soda that would've been sold in Wisconsin during the 1970s to be accurate for a fanfic (I found it -- huzzah!).
556. When somebody mentions the drinking laws of the '70s and you think to see if the show had them correct.
557. When you wish you had an accurate book (or website) on '70s slang (the ones I've found have a mix of '70s and '80s).
558. When you get annoyed that somebody tried to vote off Jackie/Hyde in a couple's survivor.
559. When you wonder what the gang's favorite pinball/video games are.
560. When you can't watch "close encounters of the third kind" without thinking of Hyde.
561. When you wonder how the T7S Gang reacted to seeing *The Rocky Horror Picture Show*
562. When you have decided to boycot a couple's survival thread if Jackie/Hyde get eliminated,
563. When you want to know minor details about the characters, like their favorite colors and records and smells.
564. When you want to make sure you are reading all the good fanfic.
565. When you enjoy recommending good T7S fanfic (over and over and over again).
566. When you stay up late reading fanfic.
567. When you fight to keep your favorite couple on a (meaningless) list.
568. When you should be sleeping, but you are watching the show and on fanforum instead.
567. When you try to imagine the actors being the actual age of the characters, and think about how different that would've looked/been.
568. When you make your husband log into his fanforum account so he can save Jackie/Hyde on a silly, pointless survivor.
569. When you check the survivor to see your friend's husband's vote that helped save J/H another round.
570. When you totally geek out that Danny Masterson talked about loving Jackie/Hyde and That 70's show on his twitter.
571. When you never get tired of other people ranting about how Jackie and Hyde should've been together by the end of the series.
572. When you are happy that Danny is wearing an open robe at the breakfast table in an episode.
573. You and your boyfriend start jokingly threatening to stick your feet up each other's asses in the most creative ways.
574. When you read a great book and think you see T7S references all through it, especially because the male protagonist is so much like Hyde.
575.When you should be sleeping but are posting on FanForum instead.
576. When you've contributed over a third of the posts getting a T7S message board from its 150,000-post milestone to its 200,000-post milestone.
577. When you are excited that you are almost on season 5 of your rewatch.
578. When your eyes brighten at seeing tacky '70s-inspired interior design.
579. When you enjoy movies from the 70's more now.
580. When your first coherent thought in the morning is about T7S.
581. When you notice cars from the 70's more.
582. When your vehement dislike of disco disappears because you associate the
music with the show.
583. When you miss getting updates on one of your favorite fanfic stories.
584. When you hear "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor, and the first thing you think about is Fez dancing with her.
585. When you are so excited when you are on season 5 of your rewatch.
586. When you've read enough T7S fanfic to recognize (bad) storytelling trends authors copy again and again.
587. When you hear the phrase "Zen" and you automatically think of Jackie and Hyde.
588. When you imagine Hyde reading books of haiku.
589. When somebody with the last name "Masterson" shows up on your call list at work and you think of the show.
590. When you read an article reviewing a documentary on the band Big Star because their music is associated strongly with Eric and Donna.
591. When you listen to a lot of other bands now because of the show.
592. When you recognize when the That '70s Show font is used in other places -- and know its name.
593. When you keep thinking you are spotting Vista Cruisers on the road.
594. When you see someone dressed up in '70s-inspired clothing and think about the show.
595. When you want your own basement just like the gang had.
596. When you want to dig through Hyde's record collection.
597. When you own records now.
598. When you see record players, you think of the show.
599. When you can't believe we have come up with almost 600 reasons for this list.
600. When you your love for the series grows strong, not weaker, over time.
601. When you want to stay up late reading Fanfic even though you should be sleeping.
602. When you go to sleep thinking about a scene in your T7S fanfic and wake up knowing how to fix it.
603. When you accidentally catch part of season 8 on tv and you need to find the closest Zen scene you can.
604. When you click on the That '70s Show tag on tumblr every ten minutes.
605. When the thought of the show can cheer you up when you are feeling down.
606. When you pay close attention to a news spot about Mackinac Island.
607. When you are excited because you have been to Mackinac Island a million times.
608. When Kitty reminiscing about dancing with Red on Mackinac Island makes you happy.
609. When you get excited that you see Michigan places mentioned or seen on shirts on the show like Mackinac or Frankenmuth.
610. When you wish you could've seen the gang travel out of Point Place a little more often than they did.
611. When you wonder how they would spend their holidays as they all got married and had kids.
612. When the pain of season 8 just doesn't go away.
613. When you like to pretend season 8 was a really bad dream.
614. When you can't see anything '70s-inspired without thinking about the show.
615. When the show has been off the air for years, and it's board on is about to hit 200,000 posts!
616. When you get excited when you come on FanForum and see you have lots to read.
617. When you apply to be a mod for a message board dedicated to the show.
618. When you get distracted reading fanfic when you should be doing something else.
619. When you get caught up looking for the perfect T7S .gif to post.
620. When you compare people you know to the characters in the show.
621. When you look through pictures of teens from the 1970s to see if you can find any Erics, Kelsos, Hydes, etc.
622. When you wish you had a "Hub" to go to.
623. When you can't see a pinball machine without thinking about how Hyde enjoys pinball and Eric hates it.
624. When you want to cruise around in a Vista Cruiser.
625. When you scrutinize what Jackie and Hyde are doing in the background of scenes.
626. When you wonder what Jackie and Hyde are saying to each other in the background.
627. When you wish you could go back in time for a few days, intangibly, just to observe real 1970s teens.
628. When you are happy that your in laws have a dog that looks like Shatzi.
629. When you can't read or hear the word "disco" without thinking about the show.
630. When you are excited you just bought the first two seasons of the show on blu ray.
631. When you want your friend to report any hidden Zen she finds in the the widescreen versions of the show.
632. When you can't wait for seasons 3-7 to be released on blu ray.
633. When you almost spend $20 on a Sims 3 "stuff pack" of the '70s, '80s, and '90s to make your Sim-world more like the show.
634. When you turn to the board for comfort when you are feeling kind of ill.
635. When you can't stop thinking of T7S projects to do.
636. When you love watching the show everyday no matter what.
637. When reading old threads of the show when season 7 originally aired makes you go, "Yes! I felt the same way!" and you wish you could dive into the ten-year-old conversation.
638. When re reading the season 8 hate thread, helps ease the pain.
639. When you find new-to-you cast pictures of the T7S gang in the old threads and get excited.
640. When you are excited to be watching a behind the scenes episode on " Moon over Point Place".
641. When you become a moderator for a That '70s Show message board.
642. When the show calms your anxiety at times.
643. When you're always looking for new websites that discuss the show in some way.
644. When you spend days home being sick reading fanfic.
645. When you spend hours reading ten-year-old threads about the show.
646. When you are proud of your husband because you were watching your new blu rays with him last night and he asked " what idiot thought it was a good idea to break up Jackie and Hyde".
647. When you take T7S fanfic with you to read on a vacation where you'll have minimal access to the internet.
648. When your husband will text you a That 70's show reference he thought of earlier that day.
649. When you post on a T7S message board before packing for a ten-day trip.
650. When you vow to post on a T7S message board when you go out of town.
651: When you deal with flies landing on you and wasps in order to post on a T7S message board.
652. When you do your best to make sure T7S message board keeps its post count up when most everyone is away!
653. When you watch the UK's version of T7S to find deleted scenes (and are very successful).
654. When you stay up late to post on FanForum
655. When you itch to write T7S fanfic after a hiatus.
656. When you get excited when you have a Jackie/Hyde dream.
657. When you always want to hear about your friend's Jackie/Hyde dreams.
658. When you can't stop talking about how amazing the show looks on blu ray.
659. When you're envious that your friend can watch the show on Blu-ray.
660. When you send a tweet to MillCreek about how great the show looks on blu ray to hopefully encourage them to release seasons 3-7 on blu ray.
661. When you get sad for fans eight years ago (and yourself) who lived through the horrible way Jackie and Hyde were handled at the end of the show.
662. When you feel like you need to take a shower after hearing anything about season 8.
663. When you relax by making art for your That '70s Show fanfic.
664. When you get excited that your friend is writing more J/H fanfic.
665. When you spend waaaaay too much internet time looking up T7S-related stuff to post on a T7S message board.
666. When you get sleep deprived because you stayed up too late reading fanfiction.
667. When everything disco reminds you of the show.
668. When you see a couple on a reality show and they remind you of Jackie and Hyde.
669. When you spend ten minutes fantasizing about being at a season 8 taping and organizing a "Jackie and Hyde" cheer and sign-blast.
670. When you would have joined your friend at the Jackie and Hyde cheer and sign blast.
671. When you want to invent a time machine and take all your Zennie friends to do something effective to get a Jackie/Hyde in-character season 8.
672. When you start your day off by watching the show.
673. When you have a nightmare about Sam the stripper.
674. When you want to comfort all who have suffered through season 8.
675. When you download a bunch of 1970s-inspired fonts.
676. When you can't look at stuff from the '70s without thinking of the show.
677. When you try to imagine the T7S characters as realistically as possible -- by inserting the actors' younger selves into their T7S roles.
678. When you want to try some of Kitty's food.
679. When you use analogies from That '70s Show when giving people advice.
680. When you really try hard to listen to Queen again, but it is so hard because of season 8 and you end up having to turn the song off.
681. When you dress up as a T7S character for Halloween
682. When you have an idea for this list earlier, but get annoyed because by the time you come on the internet you have forgotten it.
683. When you try to find old T7S-related vids on the internet and get pouty because they're long gone.
684. When you have tried to copy Jackie's wardrobe at times.
685. When you devote a good portion of your brain power to That '70s Show.
686. When you look for people that look like characters from the show.
687. When you get frustrated the characters didn't do certain things, so you don't have certain screenshots to photo-manip 'cause they don't exist.
688. When you get annoyed at anything season 8 related.
689. You stay up way too late at night photo-manipping Jackie and Hyde sexeh times.
690. When you enjoy your friend's photo manipping of Jackie and Hyde.
691. When you're so determined to see the J/H scenes the show deprived you of that you make them yourself.
692. When you google videos for Jackie/Hyde.
693. When a major moment for a T7S fanfic strikes you at 1 AM, and you have to type it up instead of going to bed.
694. When you will boycot Netflix if they remove the show.
695. When you wonder what ice cream flavors would be the gang's favorite.
696.When you wonder what the gangs twitter handles would be if they had twitter.
697. When you have yet another T7S dream.
698. When you are amused that this list is at almost 700 reasons!
699. When you consider self-hypnosis to have more pleasant T7S dreams.
700. When you love whenever Jackie or Hyde sneak into your dreams.
701. When you stay up late to help the T7S board make 1000 posts for the week.
702. When you are doing the same thing your friend is doing in 701!
703. When you to bed after posting on the T7S board and post on the T7S after waking up the next day.
704. When you spend time reading old Season 8 hate threads.
705. When you get excited to see a movie one of the T7S cast was in -- to see if it's usable for a cool T7S manip-extravaganza.
706. When you can't wait to see this list get to 1000 reasons.
707. When moments in the show make you cry.
708. When you wish the water tower behind your house looked like the one in the show.
709. When you realize how good a T7S actor is when you see his performance in another movie and compare it to his performance in T7S -- and see all the seemingly small but significant characterization he puts into even how the physically moves.
710. When you have a list going of Fanfic you need to read when you have time!
711. When you feel happy whenever you hear That '70s Show's theme song.
712. When you compare so many things to the show.
713. When you search for things outdoors that remind you of the show.
714. When you are amused when your husband tells you " I love Cake".
715. When you realize new things about the characters even after years of discussion about them.
716. When you look up stuff about the show, every day.
717. When you look for the patterns of some of Jackie's dresses (Gunne Sax).
718. When you eat a hamburger and wonder what the food at the hub tasted like.
719. When you love that even Hyde wore bell-bottoms.
720. When you look for vista cruisers on the road.
721. When seeing screenshots from the show never gets old.
722. When you always look for new background things in the show.
723. When you look for the new background things on the show your friend mentions.
724. When you found yourself doing Jackie's hand clapping jump when you got happy about something today.
725. When you imagine what a road trip to NYC with the whole T7S gang would b like.
726. When you imagine what the gang's kids are like.
727. When you insert the T7S characters into other shows that took place in the '70s.
728. When you can't stop looking at the pictures of the cast reuniting.
729. When you hope the show won't have a reunion episode/movie in order not to further damage it.
730. When you appreciate the 70's more now because of the show.
731. When you wonder what the characters thought of all the TV shows they watched.
732. When you see The Brady Bunch, you think of the gang watching it.
733. When you have a happy Jackie and Hyde dream.
734. When you are determined to post on fanforum, even though you have been very fatigued the past few days.
735. When your dedication to the show doesn't waver, no matter what mood you're in.
736. When you watch the show and it helps relax you when you are nervous about something.
737. When your dreams are affected by what you read on the T7S message board.
738. When you love finding hidden Zen!
739. When you study Jackie's pout in "Christmas" in order to understand it well.
740. When you hope the rest of the show is released on blu ray.
741. When seeing that Hyde put his hand over Jackie's when she sat on his lap gives you a little happiness.
742. When you procrastinate by reading fanfiction.
743. When you get riled up by recognizing bad characterization in vital season 5 Jackie/Hyde episodes.
744. When you get excited when you hear somebody has the name "Jake Bradley".
745. When you watch '70s-era shows for wardrobe That '70s Show's clothes could've been based on (I found two examples of this so far).
746. When wonder what the gang would look like now.
747. When you can hear the actors deliver their lines inside your mind when reading the episodes' dialogue.
748. When you want aviator sunglasses.
749. When you want a pair of Frye boots.
750. When you looking for hidden zen on your blu rays.
751. When you wish you could hang out with your friend and look for hidden Zen on her T7S Blu-rays.
752. When you get excited at all the details you can see on blu ray, like the cute mole on Danny's arm.
753. When you name characters in video games you play after the T7S characters.
754. When you tweet at Mill Creek almost daily to release the rest of the series on blu ray because the series looks 10 times better on blu ray.
755. When you feel the urge to buy a Blu-ray player just to watch T7S regularly in high-def.
756. When you and your co-worker talk about the show.
757. When you change your name legally to one of the T7S characters' names.
758. When you can't wait to see your friend's comic's everyday.
759. When you grow sideburns to look like Hyde -- and you're a chick.
760. When you associate certain songs with the show.
761. When you watch shows that began in the '70s and continued in the '80s, and you wonder how the T7S characters' styles and tastes would've changed with the times.
762. When you wish you always had T7S dreams.
763. When you move your furniture around and redecorate your bedroom to look like the Formans' basement.
764. When the show inspires you oddly.
765. When you can imagine too well what your life would be like if you lived in the T7S universe.
766. When you wonder how the gang is celebrating Halloween.
“I am the one thing in life I can control
(Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, wait for it)
I am inimitable
I am an original”
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