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Old 10-28-2013, 07:45 PM
Part-Time Fan
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Originally Posted by sunflower 654 (View Post)

I really hated how Zoe was so quick to call Wade names to Joel. It's like I can't stand Joel but who is she to be telling him he can't even be friends with Wade. I get that she's uncomfortable with it, but get over it. It's a small town and she is the one who told the guy to make friends.

Agree they need to cut back on Joel's airtime

yes i am liking zoe less and less, I almost want zoe to leave the show with joel and go back to NY with him lol that says where im at with this show. im not waiting till the end of the season for them to get WZ together, by then I will either be done with the show as the writing isnt worth staying for anymore, or I will not care one bit if they do or dont get them together,
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