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Old 10-22-2013, 02:55 AM
Joined: May 2013
Posts: 9,755
I liked this episode.

FIrst it was nice to not see Daisy/Ivy/Alfred/Jimmy just in "I love you me either" discussion. I enjoyed Alfred training to cook and preparing his test. Too bad he isn't get the job so I hope the next time.
And I liked the Ritz chef! Not the character but his english.
It's the first time I perfectly understand someone speaking english in the serie. When you heard him talking maybe you thought that it's an horrid French accent but to me it was a sweet melody!
Baxter seems a nice character but I wonder what she's plotting with Thomas. And Mrs Patmore is amazing! I love how she's always scared by new technology.

Bates finally knows and I'm happy he is. Anna couldn't stay like she was too long so it's a good thing. This SL has been well managed and all the scenes are great. I love the one with Bates and Mrs Hughes because even if he forced her to talk I think she was relieved to do it. Now I wonder how Bates will find out who is: he thought to Green and I'm sure he still thinks that it's him.

Violet and Isobel are amazing together, so great to see them quarreling again like in S1. I'm waiting to know if it's the young Pegg or not who stole the paper knife because this will bring another good scenes with those two.

Edith maybe pregnant and without Gregson news is sad but I expected this. I hope she's not pregnant and Gregson come back soon but I don't believe it. It's like if she couldn't be happy and all the bad things always happened to her sadly.

Mary was lovely with Evelyn, nice to see her smiling. But the tears was for Gillingham when she wrote a letter? That sounds a bit weird to me and not what I expected from her in this storyline. Fortunately there were her scenes with Tom who are so great. I loved the one in the nursery and their look to each other in the living room.

I loved all the Tom scenes like always. A bit disappointed that they don't talked much about his desire to leave Downton but I guess they'll do more in the next episodes because he just started to think to that. I loved the development of his relationship with Mary, now they really worry one of the other and this little smile when she said she didn't want he leaves Downton is cute. But what is really cute it's this scene in the nursery, they were reunited like a little family. I enjoyed this scenes who was totally unexpected and seeing Tom who plays with this cute little girl is priceless.
Sybbie is so sweet and the "uh-oh"....oh I want a baby Sybbie too! (I said it to my mother...she's not okay! )
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