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Old 10-16-2013, 02:45 AM
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Originally Posted by DR76 (View Post)
I'm sorry, but I agree with the Kings. I don't want constant love and harmony at Lockhart/Gardner. That's boring. I don't want episode after episode in which the main characters are always chummy, while they deal with external problems. That's not good writing to me.
This. It's the internal struggles that make the show all the more special and well written. The cases are written in a beatiful way, and the acting is spot on, but without the internal struggles the show would be super lame. I'm kind of looking forward to the coming episodes, because there will be chaos and there will be hard times in certain dynamics. When that's done there's a chance for even more character growth, and I disagree with Gelfling ( sorry, don't know your real name ) when he says that we haven't seen character development on the show, or after certain fights. Peter and Alicia have been at odds for 3 years, yes, but Peter also showed how much he has changed, and it's obvious for everyone that Alicia changed aswell ( wether that's for the good or bad - that's an entire different discussion ), and it wasn't like they were suddenly back in love with eachother. They are writing it very slowly, and I consider that good writing. That's how I see it anyway. Kalinda has changed because of the Alicia/Kalinda fight. Alicia has changed. Everyone changed if you compare it with the pilot. Dynamics changed. And I love it. It's boring to watch everyone be happy all the time. I understand it's different atm, because it seems as everyone is going to be in a fight with everyone, but if I remember the past and the Kings work, I have no doubt they will write it very well, with a lot of character growth.
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