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Old 10-13-2013, 11:27 AM
Master Fan
Joined: Jul 2004
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The issues some of you have sound like it's writing based? & honestly this show has always been super heavy on the plot & not so much character based so some things will naturally get lost.
I know, it´s an issue I have with this show since forever but they improved, they put a lot of character bla into almost everyone, Caroline/ Tyler/ Klaus, name it but DE is always getting the short end here because of these "bones" and the need to string all shippers along. I´m quite sure they will stick with DE now, they took their time with them and won´t do show suicide by having SE again but they will create the angst with DE through that and it irks me, forever will but having it 2 eps after DE got together already ...feels a bit unfair. Especially since we never got a summer flashback or interrupted sex-scene you know.

As for Kat, IDK, just cut the SE crap and forced misunderstandings instead. The fact that the writers joked about her being a plot device like the moonstone kinda insures that they are aware and will prevent it from happing again. And in all this illness suff they managed to get more character development and self reflection for Kat than for Damon or Elena, as DE and individually. I also hate that Damon´s storyline is again all about saving and protecting Stefan. Sure it´s a brother´s bond but you know it goes both ways and Stefan never invested half as much energy in protecting/ saving Damon.

As for ripper Stefan, I put some thought into that and it´s probably Silas who "mind controlled" him to that I guess. I can´t think of them having another ripper/ un-ripper plot. It would be s3 all over again for real then.

Only plus side in all the Silas/ Stefan/ Elena stuff was that given all this big emo doppelgänger bond she couldn´t sense that it wasn´t Stefan.

I´m also intrigued by the college storyline and hate that Elena´s focus is drawn away from it because of Stefan - ah well. It all boils down to my eternal Stefan hate I guess
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