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Old 08-25-2013, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Arawen (View Post)
You might think I´m bad but I actually stopped watching Lost completely after season 4 (have seen the finale though). I was just tired of it and it seems like it didn´t matter anyway. Sawyer is no "fleur", it´s just not him
You're not bad - - you're smart. I had a very "uh oh" feeling somewhere in the middle of S2 and thought many times about abandoning the show. By the end of S3, the levels of stupid were off the charts, and it was only the hilarity and amusement from some portions of fandom that kept me involved with the series. But story-wise, it was pretty obvious by S3/S4 that the showrunners never had a master plan (comments from Fury & other ex-producers weren't even necessary to be able to see that - - anyone with a brain larger than a pea could manage it) and that there would be no answers or tying up of loose ends. How could there be? It was piles of thrown at a wall. Unfortunately, Sawyer and Kate (along with most other characters not named Jacksus) were sacrificed and wasted along the way.

Originally Posted by HutchLaw_Girl (View Post)
because Kate was his wuuuu so why Juliet??? HELLO wtf
Just another example of Darlton's thrown piles of at the wall. The few remaining Lost apologists are still so hilarious in their vehement denial that that was EXACTLY what they were doing.
Up and up and up he’d borne her, high above the pyramids and pits, his wings outstretched to catch the warm air rising from the city’s sun baked bricks.

‘If I fall and die, it will still have been worth it,’ she had thought.
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