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Old 08-24-2013, 03:47 PM
Psychically Linked ღ
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Jack/Gwen Such a serious case of hero worshipping on both sides if I've ever seen one. Never will I ever buy their epic connection. The chemistry is there (John can have chemistry with a paper bag lets be honest here) but it isnt enough to make me ship them. There's just something so forced and so unnatural about their "connection" that makes me cringe whenever they're on screen together. So glad the series never actually went there apart from Gwen's ridiculous obsession.

Luke/Reid Absolutely horrific from start to finish. Luke had to be completely transformed into an unrecognizable character to fit the bill so he could be perfect for Reid. And lets not talk about what was done to NOAH'S character. They basically vitalized Noah to prop Reid as the more "grown-up" person for Luke which I never bought in the first place. How is bickering more grown up anyway? I mean REALLY.

Ste/Doug Another extremely forced couple who brought out the absolute worst in one another. Doug became whiny and clingy and Ste became a shell of his former self, basically someone used to prop the Doug character. Ste said it perfectly on why they never worked out "Because you tried to change me into someone that I'm not." I couldnt have said it better Ste.

Stiles/Lydia I dont buy that they have a connection already. I mean really Lydia's spent the better part of two seasons ignoring Stiles and all of a sudden they're best friends with a deep connection? Granted I really do love their friendship and want it to continue, but I do not buy that there's anything romantic lingering beneath the surface. It all seems so forced to me.

Those are really my most hated ones atm.

"Its about who you fall in love with."

John Paul McQueen & Craig Dean

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