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Old 08-22-2013, 04:02 PM
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Thanks for the taping report! Time to start getting excited

I don't see anything in this episode that is of huge concern. The whole topless thing I don't think is a big deal. As others have said, many actresses do topless - even well known ones. Has anyone seen True Blood lately? I swear I know Anna Pacquin's "top" better than I do my own. To say nothing of all the bottom's I've seen (back and, now, front).

Of course if on top of being topless (pun intended), the movie was also bad and cheesy, that might be a big part of why Penny's embarrassed by it. As to Leonard showing it - I'll wait until I see the circumstances. Does he actually show the topless part? I know we won't see it if he does, but it could be implied. It may be that he's very drunk and the other guys are bragging about their girls. There's nothing like alcohol and testosterone to make men's brains go on vacation. Sometimes only one of those is needed. For that matter, women can be badly influenced by alcohol, too.

The Amy/Bernadette interaction sounds funny and cute. And if Bernadette suggests that Amy try something with one of the guys, she may just be looking out for Amy's best interests - in her own way, of course. Bernadette has been vocal in the past about all that is (from her perspective) lacking in Amy's relationship. Unlike Penny, Bernadette doesn't know Sheldon very well, and seems, for the most part, just annoyed by him more than anything. Penny knows Sheldon well enough to know that there's a lot of potential for caring and love under all that craziness, so she's much more supportive of the Shamy. Bernadette seems to see only what is on the surface. I think the humor of the girls being attracted to the man who is more like the other girl's SO has more meaning than if they were simply attracted to the same "type". The conflict between the girls has everything to do with not really understanding where the other is coming from - especially as regards their respective SOs - and not seeing that man's good qualities. Realizing they are attracted to the man who resembles the one they've just been disparaging may allow them to better see where the other is coming from.

Looking forward to seeing this on the screen and to more taping reports!
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