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Old 08-19-2013, 05:31 AM
a new hope
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Joined: Nov 2003
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Bonnie & Clyde {Paul ღ Sarah} #4: "Sarah, he's falling for you."

welcome to the fourth thread for
paul dierden & sarah manning

(or, as we like to call them, bonnie & clyde)

( source )
s h i p p e r s
01. words left behind
02. Sincerely, Me.
03. Stay to the Lights
04. murphyboy11
05. five items
06. baelfire24
07. arakha
08. Lostcandy
09. fifty springs
10. CloisFan
11. desmondluverbrotha
12. {worshipfulness}
13. ds44
14. stilestilinski
15. Clarissa Fray
16. texas forever
17. endless forms
18. Drunk On You
19. AlwaysCB
20. Static Waves
21. Nothing Else Matters
22. ღfaithfully
23. Liam's curls
24. Jarr&Canna
25. sins like skeletons
26. carol14
27. jung trooper
28. Less Than Perfect
29. AllForBeLieving
30. teena1013
31. hlgreenie
32. LifeGivesUSigns
33. take the wheel
34. dk111
35. truepiclove
h o n o r a r y s h i p p e r s
01. felix dawkins
(because she doesn't want to break up with big dick paul; sarah, he's falling for you;
black ops paul just proved he's down with you for real; i couldn't afford lattes for
bonnie and clyde; boy toy bodyguard)

02. alison hendrix
(because she wants him to want a piece of her, too)

03. helena
(because she wishes she were the one to kiss paul, not just a picture of him)

04. cosima niehaus
(because dude, that's complex; wait, just squeeze them, okay?; into bed with him?)

05. olivier duval
(because she's irresistible, isn't she? if i was in your position, i'd fall in love with her, too)

06. tatiana maslany
(because she thinks of their sex scenes as lovemaking; she was the most excited about
their scene at sdcc

07. dylan bruce
(because paul wants to take sarah to rio!; paul likes the sarah)

( source )

Last edited by a new hope; 08-30-2013 at 04:30 PM
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