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Old 08-02-2013, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Tracie76 (View Post)
Ideally the fake relationship is over between 305 & 307. It lasts just long enough for the cracks to really start in the JZ relationship. That ends by 309 or 310. And then from 211 until sweeps we see both Zoe and Wade single, but not making a move toward being with each other. During this time they can start to build back up the S1 dynamic and work on their friendship. Then during sweeps something happens that makes it obvious to both of them that they have feelings for each other, but yet it is something that also pushes them apart. The fake relationship coming out at this time works for part of it. There also needs to be something that pushes Wade from Zoe so that he isn't the only one left having to prove himself. The terminal line could work if it isn't dragged out. That works if Zoe goes to Wade and is OTT about being with him, and then later on he finds out about the lie. That would make him pull back. And yet Zoe would know that Wade faked a relationship because he wasn't over her. And Wade would at least have heard that Zoe had feelings for him although it wouldn't have been under ideal circumstances and he'd think it was more out of pity than real feelings. And yet it still would have been said. And then the rest of the season is them working on getting over their pride and opening up to one another and talking.
And that would be fine. I just don't want another thing like 222 where they don't really even interact but suddenly an ILY is said and all is okay!
~ Cathy / icon by Jess

~"She isn't just some girl. Not to me." -Cappie
~"Because for some odd reason, you are the one she is supposed to be with. It's the end of the world Cappie, what are you going to do?" - Ashleigh
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