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Old 07-08-2013, 05:39 AM
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How on earth does someone defend this? There's a time for characters to die in a story. I get that. But something like that needs to be handled and executed really well, and Jess and Skins haven't earned this character death. It just makes no sense and, worse, is unnecessarily cruel.

I don't know how I'll feel about Naomily after this. Hopefully, I won't have to worry about this and get another happyish ending.
I am amazed that any Naomily fan would defend Naomi's possible death. Under what circumstances or justification is it necessary?

Why did they need to bring Naomily back to be in the background of Effy's storyline to only kill Naomi off and sideline Emily?

Those people need to explain to me in what universe that story needed to be told. Because I see no reason for it to even exist. Naomily had their ending and their characters already came full circle in S4. They didn't need to come back and certainly not to destroy them. Why not have brought Katie or Pandora back to kill one of them? why Naomi?

It will be ruined for me if it's a bad ending NGL. A storyline is only as good as it's journey and destination. I need both to love something. And Skins will be ruined because I will have lost all respect for them that they crapped all over a culturally important storyline for the sake of cheap, sloppily written and rushed drama. This is not closure and it's not a celebration of the show. It's just sadistic. Loads of young people do not die Three deaths was already too many. Effy having two deaths of people closest to her is just unrealistic. Why not kill Effy, Cassie or Cook if they had to kill someone. Why pick a previously happy character who is only a guest star? It's madness.


Such pimping just to kill a character is sheer cruelty.
IKR? stop selling Naomi/Naomily so their fans will watch just to be devastated. What kind of sadism is that? they better redeem this.

I'd sign for the surgery then clear scenario any day.
Well, Naomi is in hospital for some reason. If she was dying she'd be in a hospice not a hospital. She is having some kind of treatment that needs her to stay in. Surgery is very possible if the cancer spread. They may have to remove her ovaries and womb. They may have tried chemo first but that alone doesn't work.

Most of the fandom on Tumblr live in a paralell universe. Call me a fan snob, but they don't know a thing about this show going by the pile of nonsense you have to read in some blogs. Hell, I got more info about S7 reading this old thread of ours, than Tumblr. I like fanfic but I need to have my ship safe on canon first, then I can imagine all kinds of possibilities for them when I think about fanfic.

More than cruel, if Skins kills them, they will lost all the credit. Dumb, dumb move.
I agree with you. It amazes me how some so-called Naomily blogs seem to have no clue about their storyline. They spend too much time living in fanfic and think that's what really happened. Their is no ship left if Naomi dies. All their past scenes are tainted because we know they will lead nowhere.

It's just downright cruel to bring Naomily back to kill them off.
You stole it from me

Last edited by Skinsfan; 07-08-2013 at 05:52 AM
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