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Old 11-12-2003, 03:09 PM
Spooky Spice
Master Fan

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Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 10,831
[img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] Hi, I'm Kat! Or Scully. Or Spooky Spice. Any and all are acceptible.

I was born in NY, raised in Northern VA and am living/going to school in NC. I'm studying psychology and sociology, but I'm not really sure what I want to do w/ that. When I go home, I work @ Party City. I'm single. [sighs]

Next Gen is my fave, followed close by Voyager. I haven't been watching Enterprise, sadly. [img]smilies/embarrassment.gif[/img] It just hasn't held any intrest for me.

Besides Star Trek, I watch The X-Files, Roswell, Buffy/Angel, The West Wing, Charmed, Gilmore Girls, Friends, History's Mysteries, Futurama and Family Guy, The Simpsons and Malcom In The Middle.

My hobbies are reading (I'm currently reading 4 books at once!), writing fanfic (mostly for X-Files), sleeping [img]smilies/sleep.gif[/img], shopping, lurking about message boards, and eating.
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