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Old 06-20-2013, 11:17 AM
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I needed to take a little break away from the computer to chill out. That trailer has wrecked my head. Not because I think Naomi's going to die. Just all the emotion I know is coming.

Lily and Kat's Q&A from earlier. Massive post so most questions will go under the spoiler tags for space. I'll post the really relevant ones first.


Would you have returned to skins individually if one of you didn't want to?

It would have been weird to have had one of them back and not the other so yes I would have thought twice (Kat)


Describe Skins Fire in 3 words?

ambition, failure, friendship


Would you ever do a naomily spin off?

I think revisiting the characters for Fire was a good time to say goodbye


How do you feel about this season being the last one?

Sad but good to get closure


Why was Emily in NY? I read the plot for Skins7

Emily is in NY doing a photography internship


How is Fire different from The Skins we know?

it's far more grown up and shows how who you were when you were young can affect who you grow to be


@Skins how excited are u to skins 7??

yes, can't wait to hear what you all think!


What was the biggest difference for Skins Fire compared to season 3 and 4?

It's older and more mature


What do you think about idea of the main characters being young adults instead of teenagers?

It's good because everyone has to grow up, no one can stay an adolesent forever.


FOR LILY, We knew you as a shy one, how did you manage to be a stand up comedian as they said you were in SKINS FIRE?

I trained with a proffesional stand up comedian for three days, so had lots of practice


What was it like working with each other again?

weird because we now know each other as kat and lily more than emily and naomi


how did you feel in your last scene? I mean, it should be hard to think that you had already finished your role in Skins.

It felt sad the first time it ended but this time we were more prepared and it wasn't so much (kat).


Would you like to have seen any other characters in skins7?

I would've like to have seen what happened to Katie


Did you rewatched skins 3 and 4 to prepare yourself to play Emily and Naomi again?

no we did not


how did you feel in your last scene? I mean, it should be hard to think that you had already finished your role in Skins.

It felt sad the first time it ended but this time we were moren prepared and it wasn't so much (kat).


for kat- was it weird not having meg on set?

Yes very, I would have really like to have seen what happened to her character


how do you feel about the naomily fan base?

We have the nicest fans!


You guys are trending worldwide!! How do you feel about that?



When is the new series starting??

July 1st, 10pm E4


where will you be when watching the premiere? :-)

we're having a big farewell skins party to celebrate it!


is this the last ever series of skins?!


I think Kat saying they wouldn't have come back without the other is a positive sign. Because if they thought just coming back solo would be weird, they wouldn't agree to ending with Emily solo.

Also positive is Lily's talk of closure and it being a good time to say goodbye. None of that gives off bad vibes.
You stole it from me

Last edited by Skinsfan; 06-20-2013 at 11:37 AM
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