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Old 05-16-2013, 12:41 PM
Fan Forum Star

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Joined: Jun 2009
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"And it (proposal) did have to be romantic. But not predictably romantic. It had to feel magical and fresh and totally, completely perfect for Meredith and Derek." - Stacey McKee; writer of 5x19

"This is why weddings are so stupid. Our life together should be the present." - Meredith; 5x22

"Did you say it? I love you. I don't ever want to live without you. You change my life. Did you say it" - VO; 5x24

"You being here ... it helps." - Meredith; 6x01
"Typically, if Derek's doing a once-in-a-lifetime neurosurgery, Meredith would be at his side. But since we couldn't physically do that, we had her be there for him in a different way -- by helping him talk through the problem, by holding a phone to her ear for 26 hours. So Mer was there for Der even when it seemed impossible ... Meredith and Derek get to work together and support each other and speak their secret surgery language together AND still actually love each other."
"I guess they’ve been through their fare share of relationship crap. They’ve earned a little peace."
- Pete Nowalk; writer of 6x07
"In the end, she learns that a marriage, like life, is a constant reinvention. You choose, over and over again to adapt to each other and with each other, always being clear on what you will and won’t give up to accommodate the other." - William Harper; writer of 6x14

"Look, it took me a long time to find him. A long time. And even then, it took me a long time to even know that I wanted him. To be married. To be his wife. To have his kids." - Meredith; 6x24

Nic you will always in my heart.❤️ …..Even though you're far away.
CoNic will be forever ❤️ ..… Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
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