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Old 05-14-2013, 01:03 PM
hopeless romantic
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Originally Posted by jessers113 (View Post)
Yeha Wade cried in that episode! On the bench and going into the RJ. I could see them having him cry at sompoint in their future
Did I mention that I think WB can cry on command?

That doesn't mean, IMHO, that the CW will let him turn into "an Emo geek" when Zoe finally says ILY. I fully expect that that episode will show him turning into even more of a Greek god who, having finally heard the words that he has been needing to hear for so long, will simply wrap her in his arms and show her how long he's been waiting for her to have the courage to say the words.

There's an old Hollywood saying, "cry less so that the audience will cry more." I fully expect to be weeping when Wade reacts to Zoe's ILY. I'm quite confident that it will exceed my every expectation of how much WB loves ZW, and will have me in happy/sad/satisfied/hopeful tears that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

That's how deeply I'm invested in ZW's story, and WB is more than half of the reason I care so much.

I tear up when I watch the fence scene. Random question...Does anyone know if WB is left handed?[
I don't think so. My dad is, and Wade doesn't display the same patterns.

Last edited by hopeless romantic; 05-14-2013 at 01:09 PM
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