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Old 05-13-2013, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by BlueBellian (View Post)
You're not the only one.

I do, however, think that all she has to do is say the words and it will turn into a romantic moment:

"Hi Wade, I'd like eggs over easy with grits, and by the way, I just wanted to tell you that I love you."

Wade stands in the middle of the Rammer Jammer, his mouth open because his jaw has dropped to the floor, the music swells, and Zoe stands on her chair to plant a huge kiss on his mouth.

(See how easy it could be to make even the most commonplace ILY into something dramatic and romantic between these two?!?)
Exactly. I don't want it to be a planned moment just something spontaneous.
~ Cathy / icon by Jess

~"She isn't just some girl. Not to me." -Cappie
~"Because for some odd reason, you are the one she is supposed to be with. It's the end of the world Cappie, what are you going to do?" - Ashleigh
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