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Old 05-07-2013, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Tracie76 (View Post)
That is what I am thinking as well. Either he meets up with her or he doesn't.

That still isn't going to leave much for WZ fans to speculate about though since I'm sure the implication is going to be that they won't be together for a while. So unless Zoe says she loves Wade or something at the fence, I'm not sure what else is there.
Since it doesn't look like Zoe is going to forgive Wade any time soon (the scream, although annoying, kind of made it obvious that Zoe does NOT want to get in anything with Wade), I think that the WZ "moment" might be something like in 2x17 but more progressive. In 2x17 she said "I may not like you, but I don't hate you" and so in the finale it could be "I'm not ready, but one day I might be able to forgive you". It has a "when I'm healed and you're healed" vibe that I don't like but I think at this point, that's the most WZ fans can expect.
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