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Old 05-07-2013, 10:32 AM
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Originally Posted by CarrieAnne (View Post)
Maybe they figure the DubeMoir and compulsorydances blogs are already taking care of all the messaging they want to get out?

sometimes i feel that all the bad stuff always happens to v/m. but then i remember they are strong they will get through this. if they were able to win the olympics while tessa was in excruciating pain they are able to do anything. all they got to do is stay safe and get back in their bubble. even if that means we will have an uneventful offseason. now that d/w are world champions v/m can fly under the radar. this is what's great about people who say "oh v/m wont win the olympics again" they wont expect it. because of their loss, v/m will be perceived less as a threat. i expect the russian feds to be politicking against d/w in the upcoming season. because d/w cannot always rely on abusing PR to win (e.g. that reuters article, the ryan pyette one. like seriously, meryl could've said that her grandma is from london when it was first announced that worlds would be in london. she could've helped tessa and scott promote the event.) honestly, this and them being undefeated all season just screams politicking. when v/m won their first worlds and second world title, they werent undefeated all season and there is no way that d/w are that good to be undefeated all season. there are other teams out there that are good as well. sometimes i feel that the gpf and olympic results have already been fixed :/.



Last edited by binker; 05-07-2013 at 01:28 PM
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