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Old 05-04-2013, 10:04 AM
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I can get why Zoe liked George initially. Not this deep connection she claims it is. He was a nice guy who was nice to her when she was new to town. Everyone else was giving her a hard time. So I can get that. And yet that isn't the foundation of anything deep or love. It may be the start of something, but that is it. A day after meeting him she found out he was engaged. So she shouldn't have been thinking of him like that after she found out he wasn't available. So any hurt that Zoe suffered I can't really feel bad for her. She knew he was engaged.

And by now I definitely can't believe it because she has repeatedly chosen to not be with him. In 2x05 she actually told him to go and fall for someone else. And then she went back to Wade who she told George she had feelings for. At that time she was aware that things were getting more serious with Wade. So she couldn't have had deep feelings for George. She never would have told him to go off and be with someone else and then continued to be with Wade knowing that she was starting to fall for him. That just isn't logical. No one who thinks they are in love with another person sends them off to fall for someone else while they themselves continue to be involved with someone they are falling for. If you think you love someone, you want to be with them if you can. The only time you shouldn't is if there are legitimate reasons for you to not be together. And sorry aligning stars is not a valid reason. It is stupid.
You come to l o v e not by finding the perfect person,
but by seeing an i m p e r f e c t person perfectly. --Sam Keen
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