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Old 04-24-2013, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Seriu (View Post)

I'm not sure with Cesare's face what he's doing, sometimes I think he's raging with jealousy and sadness, other times I think he's totally turned on an trying to keep it in because pervy King Ferd is sitting right next to him, probably fondling himself. But maybe it's both? Depends what shot of his face you look at, because here:

He looks absolutely riveted. And the one shot where he was leaning forward.
But the other ones where he is gritting his teeth and clenching his fists could be either way.
I think it's a mixture of being turned on and enraged--and hey, that can totally happen. I've rewatched the promo so many times now, and as he leans forward he swallows very noticeably. He's gotta be kind of into it; if not into the fact that Lucrezia's having sex with someone else, into the fact that she's getting off on HIM. The hand-clenching could also have implications besides anger, too...

And LadyE, people with Showtime OnDemand get every episode a week early, so at the latest I think ep 4 will make it to the net on Monday/Tuesday. I don't get it OnDemand until the wee early hours of Monday morning.
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