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Old 03-23-2013, 09:55 PM
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Some ANON on a blog blathered a question about what was so great about Rumbelle. I had to post the answer:

We know Rumplestiltskin quite well by now in the show and we know that he’s pretty much gone through enough heartbreak to kill a man. Before he met Belle, he was humiliated by Milah, lost Bae and was heartbroken by Cora. He took Belle in as a caretaker, not someone to love, but love found them, nevertheless. We can obviously see he’s not used to her. She’s so brave, so kind that she isn’t afraid to touch him or speak with him. It’s quite obvious by his reactions to her touches that he isn’t used to such gestures.'

We can see the emotion in his eyes when he sees her again in Storybrooke, the way his back stiffens at her voice. He’s not sure if this is some cruel trick or if it really could be Belle. He is in tears in seconds, showing us how very much it tore at him that she was “dead.” After she remembers, she doesn’t just fall into his arms and allow him to do as he pleases, she pushes him into becoming a better man. She does this because she knows he is trying to change. He just needs that extra bit of help. Even after he tries leaving her, she brings him back with hamburgers of all things. Belle is so in love she’s willing to stare down the barrel of a gun, just for his son’s shawl, his son she never met. He’s so in love with her that he’d do anything he could to bring her memory back. We really can see how much he needed her after the loss of her memory. He went from forcing himself not to threaten each person in that diner to telling the Charmings he would kill them. The Outsider had me bawling because of the look of absolute horror on his face as he realized she’d lost her memory. The defeated look on his face after she screamed from his kiss, broke their cup. You really can see how much he needed her in those moments.

I’ve got myself to tears from reflecting on this, that’s how powerful these two are for me. All in all, Rumbelle is so perfect to me because they aren’t perfect. Their relationship isn’t an easy little stroll, but a hard trial. Seeing Rumple acting “gooey” is him acting like the man he really is, not faking his feelings for her. She brings that out in him. Here he is, thinking he’s a monster, when he has that inside him, that love. They’ve fought the hardest of any couple, I feel, and now they’re continuing to fight. They don’t care what the others think, they don’t care what happens, they both fight. They’ll never stop fighting.
That, my dear, is why they are perfect to me.
You find goodness in others and when it's not there, you create it. You make me want to go back, back to the best version of me...and that never happened before.
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