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Old 03-22-2013, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by SRBleyton4ever (View Post)
I wanted Arizona to win because even though Shonda's pretty shtty at times, she's still better written than Bo. I like the fact shows like LG which are kinda considered the underdog are starting to get mainstream attention, it just sucks that the storylines aren't that great at the moment with characters doing 180's all over the place.
Im not a fan of Lost Girl. Im annoyed by their fans actually and just for that I want them to lose. BUt I also want Arizona to win so I voted for her. We also need to get rid of Lost Girl ppl bc they are a big thread to Naomily since their show is airing right now. So ppl vote for Arizona just in the early rounds to beat Lost Girl so we dont have to worry about them later.

Originally Posted by Skinsfan (View Post)
IKR? Skins giving us a Lily sub video and not giving us the Top 5 which loads have asked JB about on Twitter

HH has been seduced by PLL. It's basically all she talks about these days when she's not talking about Glee. I think Fire will return Emily back to the one everyone loved. She isn't angry anymore and from what Kat said she's happy in herself. She should be a positive and great character. I think she'll top people's lists again. Her and Naomi.

No, she doesn't know anything and that's the problem. She and Rophy are terrified because they barely know anything and what they have heard is the doom and gloom tricks that Skins have been playing. She didn't know any of the BTS info we do. Sophy was wasn't even sure about the Emily being in NY thing. It looks like they haven't been keeping track of anything. And Skins haven't been giving info to HH yet.

Her fear is based on S6. She hated it and she's letting it colour S7 for her. For some reason her and Rophy are convinced that they'll pull the same stunts with Naomily and Effy in Fire. And completely change the characters and they probably even think that Naomi will sleep with Dominic If they'd kept proper track they'd know Naomi and Emily seem much like they always have only more adult, and that Naomily are still couple and will probably stay one. It's amazing how much of the fandom, even them, don't know what info is out there. Too busy with the US shows to take notice. Some people hadn't even realized Lily was a brunette these days, look at the video comments and some are shocked. They've all been living on the moon
You cant deny they have grounds to be concerned though Jess has a really bad rep as a writer and although I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, there are many people who will not, like HH I guess. You are right though, we need to wait and see before we judge. I hope you are right about her not knowing anything about Skins Fire. HH better jump back to the right ship. Im a fan of Paily but they are in no way even close to what Naomily are as a couple. U cant even compare them, they are oceans away from each other. Its also not fair to compare them bc Pretty little liars is a crime/mystery show whereas Skins is more about life and stuff
We're only young once and immature forever
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