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Old 03-11-2013, 10:40 AM
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Ugh, that title.......I'm dying, lol.

That phone call from Gold was one of the most selfless things any character has done for anyone on this show. Gold went from "I'm dying, that's a certainty" to "I have to call Belle" in a split second. He didn't waste ANY time with self-pity; god, how brave was he? My heart started breaking when he said "It's just......". He has to explain himself and yes, he's scared. "Sweetheart......I'm dying". At that point, all their scenes run through my head and I imagine Gold, with his eyes closed, is remembering every moment they ever had together. He says that she is a hero. I think she is HIS hero and always has been. She SAVED her people...think about that. He must have thought of her this way from the moment she said "I will go with you....forever". Belle is SO good and Gold had to convey that to her - she's GOOD and she sees it in people, she thinks the best of them. Bobby was astonishing because all throughout, except the end, he didn't use his eyes; he used his entire face besides his eyes (and his voice) to express himself. I LOVED the part where (and tell me I'm not the only one who noticed this) he talks about wanting to go back to his best self. Just before he says it, he shakes his head slightly and gets a serene look on his face, almost a small smile. I feel like he was wanting to go to that place when he dies, that that is where he'd be waiting for Belle on the other side. The most touching moments came at the end, when Gold opened his eyes and you could see they were moist with tears. He didn't want to die, he was scared and lonely and the idea of never being with Belle again was devastating. Of course the whispered "thank you" and the mouthing of Belle, BUT I was devasted by the way he droppped his hand in exhaustion and continued his labored breathing. That call took ALL of his strength ......all of it.

I posted this in the other thread, but it bears repeating.

First, I realize now that what Gold actually said to Cora was that he had a vision (clearly he means a long time ago, probably right after Cora) about this day coming, but the vision didn't tell him (then) what he wanted to know: whether she loved him. He was referring to then, not now.

Their mutual love for power and, in a sense, revenge, drove their love - and that was destructive to Rumple for he still had a heart and he did and still wants love. What he wanted and needed was real and honest love; what he got with Cora was a twisted love that depended on their need for hate. He did not know what REAL love was until he met Belle and so everything that happens in Skin Deep later on is genuine and true.

HATE fueled Rumple's magic, but now LOVE fuels Gold's. Gold is full of love. Why? Because of Belle.

Isn't it interesting that even though he searched 300 years for Bae, that Gold in his dying moments felt it more important to reach out to Belle than to Bae, who was right there in front of him and who remembered him?

Almost in Belle's honor. Gold doesn't want any vengeance anymore - see the promo with Regina; it's so different from Broken. He's trying to see that it's not the right way to go. Belle's influence is remarkable.

The spinning wheel scene? Eh, it was fine, but can you imagine what Bobby and Emilie would do with something like that or with half of that? They would convey more passion, love and desire that we can imagine.

When Gold says that Belle really, really loved him, it means SO much more now boecause he finally has found someone who truly loves him and he can accept it.

One line I loved was "Your mother did you no favors" because it's so clear that Gold understands love and is truly full of it (love, that is, lol). Love is not a weakness, as Cora has said, it's a strength - and because of Belle, he knows this.

Last edited by Betsybelle; 03-11-2013 at 10:49 AM
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