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Old 03-04-2013, 02:06 PM
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just read that news on yahoo. i feel like if this were to happen & bale returned as batman, i feel like it would somehow distort the dk trilogy. timing wise, when would all of this occur? b/t begins & tdk or after rises or possibly before? i never got a sense that other superheroes existed in that world, considering nolan mentioned that this wasn't an expanded universe for the dc characters. one of my favorite aspects about this world was its sense of realism b/c we hadn't seen batman established in that sense on screen and i loved that. still, if anyone could figure out a way to make this work, i think nolan & goyer would be able to do it.

personally, i think it would be great if nolan were to take the realm for dc on film b/c wb truly need guidance & this would be major for possible dc films beyond batman & superman. plus, if he figured out a way to make sense out of this & keep the other dc characters grounded to who they are, then i don't have a problem w/it. it surely won't be easy, but not impossible. i'm sure this news will be flying for a while and we'll all have an opinion about it. otherwise, until i hear official word from the man himself & those included who are working w/him, then it's just wishful thinking.
I fear dying in here while my city burns with no one there to save it.
Then make the climb./How?
As the child did. Without the rope. Then fear will find you again.
--The Dark Knight Rises
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Last edited by Sarei; 03-05-2013 at 03:40 PM
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