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Old 02-27-2013, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by BrynnK (View Post)
I still have a hard time with the whole he made it up because she is better without him theory. If he was going to do that I think he would have done it when she asked where he was all night. I don't see him making up an excuse to make her think things were fine and then throwing that at her later if all along he thought it was better for them to break up. I also don't see him begging for forgiveness if he was just making it up. I also think he would say he didn't remember if he really didn't remember even if he thought he did cheat.
Yeah, the logical part of my brain keeps telling me all of the above, which is why I've already accepted. And I don't want to poke holes in the theory to try to burst anyone's bubble. Rather, I feel like if we try to poke holes in theories, we might, just might come up with one that has no holes. Truthfully. I just keep thinking one of these times, there will be a theory that fits with the sides we know and works with what we just saw.

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