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Old 10-07-2005, 12:32 PM
Loyal Fan
Joined: Apr 2004
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Anyone fancy a discussion?

I bumped into my old English teacher today in the pub, and she joined us for a drink, that in it's self was quite odd but things got even stranger. She wanted to write down the date of the next pub quiz and took a pen out her bag, a Harry Potter pen. I just went omg Harry Potter, and she blushed and said yes I am kind obsessed with it. So funny, we spent ages talking about the books and she said something that has really made me start to think.

She seems to think the Ron and Hermione are together at the end of HBP, the hug at the funeral was not only of comfort from their loss but also a sure sign there has been a shift in their relationship. And that this change in their relationship has happened behind closed doors in private, as it should be, so Harry doesn't know yet, so we don't know. She thinks it happen after Dumbledore’s death and before the funeral.

I guess it's up for interpretation but I always imagined we would know if they got together, and when they go with Harry I can't see them making Harry feel uncomfortable by being a third wheel, although I don’t ever imagine them doing that either. I know they will be together but the question is when. Now when they need each other, or after the war is over? She told me too read the end of HBP again, not sure if I can without crying again.

What are everyone else’s thought on the end of HBP and future for R/Hr?
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