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Old 02-26-2013, 04:23 AM
Almeida's Army
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Yeah thats right. The most famous example of this British sitcom Fawlty Towers, starring Monty Python's John Cleese. It was the most famous show in the country, getting some of the highest ratings figures in British TV history and was universally adored. Then John Cleese, who also wrote and produced it, stopped it after just 2 seasons and a total of 12 episodes. For 33 years now, people have been crying for more episodes- its been voted the most popular British Programme ever- but there has been no more episodes since 1979. Why? Because John Cleese said he wanted it to go out on top, rather than let it go stale, and because of that its remembered as one of the best shows this country has ever produced. Genius decision. Thats what they should have done with LOST and thats what they should do with Touch...
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