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Old 02-25-2013, 03:22 AM
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Originally Posted by karate0kat (View Post)
I loved this ep. I thought it was one of the best one offs they've done this season. Of course, I'm quite attached to Sean, so maybe I'm biased. I really love what this means for him going forward, and I hope they actually explore how difficult this is going to be for him. We didn't really get much follow up to Ryan's 'death' and how he feels about his mother and the world thinking he's dead, but at least Ryan had already been in jail and had already adjusted to everyone thinking he was a traitor. Sean went from "I'm going back to my beloved Navy job with all my buddies" to "Everyone thinks I'm a dead, murdering traitor" in the space of less than 24 hrs. Ouch.

Sean and Alex being all domestic and adorable in the beginning was, well, adorable. Which made me terrified for them, because I've watched waaaay too many Joss Whedon shows. Happy couples = one of them is about to die. Which I guess sort of happened, but I'm happy not for real. And I'm happy that this will probably cause some issues for Sean/Alex, as Sean is trying to adjust, as again, happy couples = death.

I thought Alex was a little harsh with how she phrased her pep talk to Sean. "Maybe this new one can be something better". Yeesh, Alex. Sean just left behind family he loves, a career he loved, and presumably at least a couple of friends he was attached too. Perhaps "maybe this new one can be good too" wouldn't have sounded so...IDK, self centered seems to harsh. But, something like that. Like, yeah, he's with you in Division now, and you want to make the best of it and that's fine, but he had a great life that he loved, maybe don't jump straight to 'this is going to be better' right after he loses it all. I actually really liked that first Sean/Alex scene not just because it was cute, but because it showed they still had issues. Everyone said it wasn't fair for Sean to ask Alex to leave everything behind to leave Division with him, but here we saw Alex was basically expecting the same thing. She assumed Sean was going to leave behind his career to be with her. It showed they still had things to work on, and I don't think Sean being stuck in Division now changes that.

Didn't mind Michael taking a back seat this episode. I don't hate the hand drama at all, but it was good to take a break from it. Since Sean and Michael have had kind of a budding bromance going on this season maybe having Sean lose everything and be stuck in Division will help Michael get out of his funk. Like, yes, he lost his hand, and it sucks, and he has every right to be upset and have trouble adjusting and dealing with Nikita, but there's still a lot he has to be grateful for too. Those two boys should just get rip-roaring drunk in a recruit room sometime, talk about their feelings, and then soldier forward.

The fight scene with Naomi was great, one of the best in a while. I cracked up so hard when they paused to let the elevator guys wander through. It was a much needed moment of lightness. I knew Sean wasn't going to really die (thanks twitter filming spoilers!) but it was still hard to watch Alex panicking like that, so that moment of laughter was a nice release. And oh my god the shoes.

I'm kind of torn on Naomi's death. On the one hand I'm not sure how else they could have played it - I can't see why she'd stop trying to kill them unless she was dead or was about to be caught and had to run, but the later would have made it hard for Nikita and Alex to finish setting the stage for Sean's extraction. But in just one episode I liked Naomi a lot more than I did Anne, and I kind of would have liked to see her by Amanda's side. Interesting that she was Gogol - I guess Ari had some loyal agents follow him after his ouster and Amanda has access to them. And while I'm sad she won't pop up again, it does fit with Amanda's personality that all of her agents keep dying. Even though Anne was called a female Roan, she was never really treated like Roan. Percy was willing to use people and get rid of them as needed, but he saw value in selecting at least certain people who were worth keeping around long term. Amanda views all agents as expendable. Even though she didn't have anything to do with Naomi's death directly, I do kind of like that everyone who works for Amanda dies.
This, that and all of it.
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