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Old 02-19-2013, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Jiorjiina (View Post)

The only thing is, he actually changed the seer's prophecy. She said he would be judged by his actions on the battlefield the next day, when actually it was for his actions in the camp that night. Not the same thing.

And when the seer said that the boy would be his undoing, she was talking to Rumple as the Dark One, so I would bet it's more likely about the breaking the Dark One curse, than anything else.
Honestly, I really disregard prophesies because these seers, etc... only predict gloom and doom, never happiness.

The future is unwritten and people have free will. If I were Gold or anyone else, I would not want to know what might happen - I want to control my destiny. Every action that we take has a ripple effect; just do good things and good things generally will happen.

Down with seers, down with prophets, down with psychics. Up with free will and up with taking control of your life and making of it what you want it to be

I loved how seeing Neal come through the door physically staggered him. He didn't have that reaction with August, and now I think that subconsciously Rumpel knew he wasn't his son. Seeing Neal literally took the breath out of him
He does this with Belle as well; there are a LOT of similarities in his behavior with Bae and Belle - because his love for them is overwhelming. He staggered in the chipped cup hospital scene when Belle smashed the cup - it was like a punch in the gut. He tried to use magic to fix Belle and Bae - simply because he was desperate, so very desperate, and he didn't know what else to do. Yes, in this scene, he almost looked like his head was swimming - again, like when he saw Belle in the shop in the S1 finale.
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