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Old 02-16-2013, 09:22 AM
Dedicated Fan
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Originally Posted by mellifluouscloud (View Post)
Now, I need to watch the episode again, but I don't even understand how or why Cam was able to sit on the front steps of the school while being suspended. I guess he wasn't supposed to be there and would have faced more punishment if he had been caught? Anyway, in this scene, he confronted Zig. How is Zig supposed to react?! This guy beat him up the day before. Zig and Cam should be kept far, far away from each other... no doubt about that.

Were Zig's words incredibly harsh? Yes, of course. I won't dispute that. He will regret his choice of words later, I'm sure of it. But Cam was sitting there gloating about how he punched Zig and how he "wins" with Maya. Zig reacted. He wanted to defend himself. And yes -- he wanted to hurt Cam with his words, because Cam hurt him the day before and he has the black eye to prove it.
What is telling here is the line - "How is Zig supposed to react?!"

He should react like a human being with a modicum of decency than a vile bully who seeks the emotional destruction of another human being. And that is, in that moment what he seeks. There is no defense of what Zig said. None. He could easily have said "Don't talk to me." or he could have been a decent human being and said "Look I am sorry. Maya is with you and me still coming on to her when you two were back together was out of line."

I have to ask. Are you a big fan of Zig? Because frankly, your defense of the character seems more adoring fan based than anything.

This is a common problem not just with tv characters. We allow the thought process that it is a character we love to overwhelm a realistic viewpoint of what occurs.

Right now, I would hope the expression would be that Zig needs to seriously redeem himself. He needs to look deep into who he is as a human being. Hopefully Cam doesn't do anything too stupid (though it would be realistic if someone such as Cam confronted in that manner by something so incredibly hateful would lose hope). Zig has now mistreated Tori, not backed off of Maya when asked, and has went to the lowest possible place in a confrontation with Cam.

The hope would be all fans hope for a redemptive process for him. But to defend Zig's actions is beyond me.

Last edited by Inesal; 02-16-2013 at 09:33 AM
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