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Old 10-05-2005, 09:22 PM
Master Fan

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Hey kiddies! I was just re-reading HBP, and I came across this part:

(pg. 311)

"How would you like to come to Slughorn's party with me tonight?"

The words were out of Harry's mouth before he could stop them; he heard himself say them as though it were a stranger speaking.

Luna turned her protuberant eyes upon him in surprise.

"Slughorn's party? With you?"

"Yeah," said Harry. "We're supposed to bring guests, so I thought you might like...I mean..." He was keen to make his intentions perfectly clear. "I mean, just as friends, you know. But if you don't want to..."

He was already half hoping she didn't want to.

"Oh no, I'd love to go as friends!" said Luna, beaming as he had never seen her beam before.
I thought that last part would make a great canon-y title.

But I'm just an Auror. What do I know?

"It is aneurysm inducing logic that will surely leave me dead in my bathtub." -Ain't It Cool News on the HBP film.
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