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Old 01-24-2013, 10:36 PM
kiss the wind
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Mona was in Toby's apartment when Spencer went back at the end of the episode--she was completely unfazed by Spencer finding out about Toby. I'm wondering if maybe Toby's reveal so Spence is what Toby and Mona were talking about earlier in the episode? He said something along the lines of "it's too soon"..was he maybe saying it's too soon for Spencer to know?

Idk, Mona just had such a knowing look on her if she had planned for it all to happen. If so, then Toby could've dropped that key by Hannah on purpose, knowing she would tell Spencer about it.
I didn't really notice that at first, but it entirely makes sense. For one, I'm pretty sure Toby would have noticed that he dropped the key and gone back for it if it was important he have it. Second, he would know better than to leave his Radley badge in his drawer, even if he didn't know about Spencer's surprise.

Good thinking! ETA: Also, how Mona says "they have to know she's in charge"... they want the liars to know something, so maybe they're trying to drop clues/reveals so that the liars will understand more?
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