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Old 12-27-2012, 11:28 PM
Elite Fan

Joined: Mar 2007
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Willow wasn't even good with kids in the Halloween episode of S2. ha ha

I hated in the season 8 graphic novels when Dawn told Buffy that Willow is like a mom to her. I was so annoyed with Dawn. Seriously honey? Willow was checking you out while you were sexy dancing, tried to turn you back into a mystickal ball of energy, got you into a car accident that broke your arm, had your memory erased which nearly got you killed by vampires, thought you should blow off studying to go to the fair, sent a speeding comet to your exact location, thought you were a spaz, didn't get a job to support you when she was living in your dead mother's bedroom, etc.

I don't think that Willow ever had a relationship that was that serious. Oz & Tara were the stable mature ones that could handle almost any situation and put someone else's needs before their own while not losing their self in the process.

Buffy has always been shown to be good with kids. Nightmares. Halloween. Killed by Death. Predators & Prey (S8).
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--- Jack Faust (Promethea)
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