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Old 12-22-2012, 04:04 PM
Fan Forum Star

miranstarr's Avatar
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 165,245
From Iron Man 2:

Pepper Potts: You're out o- -ontro-, o-ay?
Iron -an: -'- not out o- -ontro-.
Pepper Potts: Trust -e on t-is one.
Iron -an: You're out o- -ontro- -or-eous.
Pepper Potts: It's ti-e to -o to -e-. It's ti-e.
Iron -an: -o-e on, -ou -no- you -ant to. -i-e -e anot-er s-oo--.
Pepper Potts: You're not -oin- to -e -a-ppy a-out t-is.
Iron -an: -o-e on, you -no- -ou -ant to.
Pepper Potts: You -ust pee- -n t-e suit.
Iron -an: I -no-, it -as a -i-tration syste-.
Pepper Potts: It's no- se-y.
Iron -an: Yo- -ou-- -rin- t-at -ater.

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