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Old 12-22-2012, 02:13 PM
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Thank you Fi and Maurice

Aww Fi I know that it can get really messy in the spoiler thread. We all know that what Tyler did was the right thing and not one of those people involved deserved to die ... except for Klaus.

Originally Posted by cinnamoncookie (View Post)
it's so frustrating to explain to people that Tyler has anger issues since season 1 when no one knew who ponyboy was. urgh!!!
I know that feeling, it´s always so difficult to talk to other people who don´t care about that particular character you love and therefore most likely don´t remember what his character traits were since season 1.

Originally Posted by cinnamoncookie (View Post)
about your comment: you're probably right. I realized that would be too big of a storyline.
It´s so sad, because we know all these characters have so much potential but in the end the writers don´t do the half of it with them. They could be so good, everyone of them

Originally Posted by cinnamoncookie (View Post)
I hear Bonnie's getting a storyline in the upcoming episodes. what do you think about that?
I´m going to stay very realistic about this stuff, because they introduced Abby almost at the same time as her father now, last season and it was a mess. But I can see the potential. And we will have to wait and see what her relationship with Shane will develop to. I thought we would get more of their mentor/pupil relationship but it is more of Shane being introduced and being everywhere but not telling Bonnie anything and I don´t get this.

Originally Posted by cinnamoncookie (View Post)
lol, maybe Tyler got such an interesting arc because the fandom hates him?
I think he got such a good arc because they also needed Klaus to have a storyline and with Tyler´s storyline Klaus is also involved and it´s also because JP realized that she can´t treat him like she did last season again. But I don´t see her realizing that this is also the case for Bonnie.
you have really nice palms
Bonnie & Kai
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