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Old 12-20-2012, 09:50 PM
Jaime Bee
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Originally Posted by friends205 (View Post)
She did go to Comic Con but for Ringer...not Buffy. I think she wanted to separate herself from Buffy so she wouldn't be stuck in that 'forever-be-labelized-as one character' thing. OR...maybe she was just tired of the Buffy thing and feels it's been done...that and it also drained a lot out of her and was never recognized for what it was at the time. I mean wouldn't you be peeved with all the vampire stuff going on now and look back and say 'I did the same thing for 7 yrs and it never got really appreciated' ?
Good points. I know I would.

In fact I do get annoyed and think well Buffy did that first.

"To me, this is much more real. If these two crazy kids can make it work, it will be a lot more interesting than a kind of romance with obstacles thrown in." - Marti Noxon

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