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Old 12-03-2012, 12:47 PM
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Joined: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Hot Rod (View Post)
You made a lot of great points about the similarities between Emily and Victoria. Lineage really gave us some excellent insight on Victoria`s background, which shows how much her early life was like Emily`s.

Also i forgot to mention this earlier, but Victoria calling Emily was a big step in that she was desperate to save Daniel and turned to Emily, because she feels that Ems is the only one who could bring Daniel back from the dark side.
Hah, thank you. I was actually going to use most of that in another thread but found it would be probably better suited over here.

And she's so begrudgingly annoyed that she had to take that last step, Emily thinks of Victoria as the Devil but clearly Victoria equally sees Emily as the same.
Victoria Grayson
My priorities have shifted.
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