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Old 11-04-2012, 07:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Tracie76 (View Post)
He most definitely is. For someone to come in without most people knowing who he was and to make people stand up and take notice is huge. Now everyone knows who he is. And honestly without him or Wade the show wouldn't be the same and couldn't survive. At this point the show most definitely needs him more than he needs it.

I think going in most people knew who SP and RB were so that may have been why they initially tuned in. Most stayed because of WB though. I know I was a bit bored by the pilot but stuck around.
I also had never heard of Rachel Bilson or Scott Porter before, and only came across this show by accident I too wasn't thrilled by the pilot but as I had nothing better to do that day, I watched the second episode right afterwards, and I'm so glad I did because then I was hooked and spent the next three days watching all 15 episodes that had aired till then. And the 16. a few days later. I guess you can imagine how shocked I was when I discovered that the show was having a hiatus after that and wouldn't return for weeks!!! I hate hiatuses!!! They should be forbidden!
Wade & Zoe
"If I want to save the world, hell, I'll do it tomorrow" ~ Wade
"I like you, Wade Kinsella. I really like you." ~ Zoe (and I couldn't agree more!!!)

The Wade I know doesn't cheat! And everything else is just crappy writing!!!

Last edited by Nina82; 11-04-2012 at 08:04 AM
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