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Old 10-24-2012, 07:04 AM
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I just watched the episode and, oh my ********** god!!!!!!!!

I completely forgot being disappointed that we didn't get 'cabin scenes', because there was so much happening!

For a second there, I really did think the nomads would kill Unser!

The accident was an 'omfg' moment, but I don't think Abel's dead!

I thought Jax got shot in the leg, but I'm guessing it was just the fall, since he seems to be walking fine in the preview!

I'm excited to see what's gonna happen with Juice! And I really hope he makes it through the season, even though he might not be the smartest of all, I really like Juice! I sorta find his näivité endearing (which is weird since we're talking about a biker who's killed before!)

I think that Jax doesn't know about the accident yet in the preview, I wonder if the makes it to the cabin and then we see him and Tara get the call! Or if the episode opens with them in the hospital, and the reason that Jax doesn't seem concerned in the preview is because nothing serious happened to the boys!

I loved, loved, loved the JT scenes, it was so cute how Jax threw his arm around her when they walked (all though it looked to me as if she didn't kiss him back, you know like she didn't "pout" her mouth, I don't know how to explain it). And the scene where she told him to hurry up (hurry uo so you can do what, Tara? ), the kiss and Jax' smile They're so cute together! The scenes were short, but imo they difinitely showcased their love for each other!

I the screen time they used for the chase of Joel McHale's character could've been better spend, but all in all I thought it was an awsome episode!

Sorry for the long post!
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