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Old 10-20-2012, 08:37 PM
Master Fan

Joined: May 2007
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Ok, so a couple points.

Lisa, I agree.. I'm dying to know what's going to happen with their hair, because well... **** it, I ship Naomily's hair and I embrace my weirdness..

I'd be fine if Kat stays brunette or dark but Lily going back to blonde.. but in a perfect world, they both would go back to their original Naomily colors ♥

I also wonder about the clothing, I can't really picture Emily dressing up like a normal human being and Naomi dropping either the floral **** or the grandma sweaters..

I am WAY TOO interested in all the BTS stuff because, I think some of you might know already, Gen 2 cast is my favorite.. not only their characters but the actual cast, I always found them hilarious and lovely, they all seemed like best friends... it's a shame it's only going to be 4 of all of them, but at least I get 4.. not like for G1 that we only get 1 <_< poor Hannah, she's probably going to feel awkward at some point.. plus it's been longer since she played Cass.. tho I know she gets along with Kaya and Jack just fine.

In regards to what Jamie said about interactions, I actually thought within episodes.. but then I started thinking about it and I am like.. ok that's not a go, Effy is screwing her boss.. so she'll have scenes with him, she'll also have scenes with Naomi and prob Emily, Naomily will have scenes together as well and then there's a BUNCH of other guests stars for Fire.. so what's the point on having so many new actors if there won't be many scenes with several of them interacting?.. so then I thought, maybe he means within main characters.. but that pretty much says there WILL BE at least one scene with either Ceffy, Cass/Effy or something like that.. (please let it be a Nook scene, please jesus!) as well as he specified that Naomily are heavily ft in FIRE... why would he specify in FIRE if all of us think/know that's the only ep where they'll be ft.. (again, please let me be wrong and let a Nook scene happen)
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